Buxtorf, a celebrated Hebraist, born in Westphalia, member of a family of Orientalists; professor of Hebrew for 39 years at Basle; was known by the title, “Master of the Rabbis” (1564‒1629).
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell * ByblisLinks here from Chalmers
Bowyer, William
Brandmuller, James
Buxtorf, John James
Buxtorf, John [1599–1664]
Buxtorf, John [No. 4]
Capellus, Lewis
Croze, Mathuiun Veyssiere La
Empereur, Constantine
Isaac, Karo
Lightfoot, John
[showing first 10 entries of 23]