Cathcart, Sir George (17941854)

Cathcart, Sir George, a lieutenant-general, son of the preceding; enlisted in the army; served in the later Napoleonic wars; was present at Quatre-Bras and Waterloo; was governor of the Cape; brought the Kaffir war to a successful conclusion; served in the Crimea, and fell at Inkerman (17941854).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Cathcart, Earl * Cathedral
[wait for the fun]
Catharine II. the Great
Catharine de' Medici
Catharine of Aragon
Catharine of Braganza
Catharine of Sienna
Catharine of Valois
Catharine Parr
Catharine Theot
Cathcart, Earl
Cathcart, Sir George
Cathelineau, Jacques
Catholic Emancipation
Catholic Epistles
Catholic Majesty
Catinat, Nicolas
Catlin, George
Cato Dionysius
Cato, Marcus Portius