Chrysostom, St. John, that is, Mouth of Gold, so called from his eloquence, born at Antioch; converted to Christianity from a mild paganism; became one of the Fathers of the Church, and Patriarch of Constantinople; he was zealous in suppressing heresy, as well as corruption in the Church, and was for that reason thrice over subjected to banishment; in the course of the third of which and while on the way, he died, though his remains was brought to Constantinople and there deposited with great solemnity; he left many writings behind him—sermons, homilies, commentaries, and epistles, of which his “Homilies” are most studied and prized (347-407). Festival, Jan. 27.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Chrysolo`ras * Chubb, Thomas