Condé, Louis II., Prince of, named “the Great Condé,” born at Paris; was carefully educated; acquired a taste for literature, which stood him in good stead at the end of his career; made his reputation by his victory over the Spaniards at Recroi; distinguished himself at Fribourg, Nordlingen, and Lens; the settlement of the troubles of the Fronde alienated him, so that he entered the service of Spain, and served against his country, but was by-and-by reconciled; led the French army to success in Franche-Comté and Holland, and soon after retired to Chantilly, where he enjoyed the society of such men as Molière, Boileau, and La Bruyère, and when he died Bossuet pronounced a funeral oration over his grave (1621‒1686).
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Condé, Louis I., Prince of * Condé, Louis Joseph, Prince de