Cowley, Henry Wellesley, Earl (18041884)

Cowley, Henry Wellesley, Earl, an eminent diplomatist, brother of the Duke of Wellington; served as a diplomatist in Vienna, Constantinople, and Switzerland, and was ambassador to France from 1852 to 1867 (18041884).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Cowley, Abraham * Cowper, William
[wait for the fun]
Covent Garden
Coventry, Sir John
Coverdale, Miles
Coverley, Sir Roger de
Cowell, John
Cowen, Frederick Hymen
Cowley, Abraham
Cowley, Henry Wellesley, Earl
Cowper, William
Cox, David
Cox, Sir George
Coxcie, Michael
Coxe, Henry Octavius
Coxe, William
Cozens, John Robert
Crabbe, George