Craig, John (15121580)

Craig, John, a Scottish Reformer, educated at St. Andrews, and originally a Dominican monk; had been converted to Protestantism by study of Calvin's “Institutes,” been doomed to the stake by the Inquisition, but had escaped; the coadjutor in Edinburgh of Knox, and his successor in his work, and left a confession and catechism (15121580).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Cradle Mountain * Craig, Sir Thomas
[wait for the fun]
Cox, David
Cox, Sir George
Coxcie, Michael
Coxe, Henry Octavius
Coxe, William
Cozens, John Robert
Crabbe, George
Cradle Mountain
Craig, John
Craig, Sir Thomas
Craik, George Little
Craik, Mrs.
Cramer, Johann Baptist
Cranach, Lucas
Crane, Ichabod
Crane, Walter
Cranmer, Thomas