Dodd, Dr. William (17291777)

Dodd, Dr. William, an English divine, born at Bourne, Lincolnshire; was one of the royal chaplains; attracted fashionable audiences as a preacher in London, but lived extravagantly, and fell hopelessly into debt, and into disgrace for the nefarious devices he adopted to get out of it; forged a bond for £4500 on the Earl of Chesterfield, who had been a pupil of his; was arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death, a sentence which was carried out notwithstanding the great exertions made to procure a pardon; wrote a “Commentary on the Bible,” and compiled “The Beauties of Shakespeare” (17291777).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Dodabetta * Doddridge, Philip
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Dodd, Dr. William
Doddridge, Philip
Döderlein, Ludwig
Dodger, The Artful
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Dods, Meg
Dodsley, Robert