Dupin, André (17831865)

Dupin, André, French jurist and statesman; distinguished at the time of the revolution of the three days as a supporter of Louis Philippe, and of the house of Orleans after him (17831865).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Duperron * Dupleix, Joseph
[wait for the fun]
Dunnet Head
Dunnottar Castle
Dunois, Jean
Duns Scotus, Johannes
Dunstan, St.
Dunton, Watts
Dupin, André
Dupleix, Joseph
Duplessis, Mornay
Dupont, Pierre
Dupont de l'Eure
Dupont de Nemours
Dupuis, Charles François
Dupuy, M. Charles
Dupuytren, Baron
Duquesne, Abraham, Marquis
Dura Den