Fitzherbert, Mrs. (17561837)

Fitzherbert, Mrs., a Roman Catholic lady, maiden name Maria Anne Smythe, with whom, after her second widowhood, George IV., while Prince of Wales, contracted a secret marriage in 1785, which, however, under the Royal Marriage Act, was declared invalid (17561837).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward * Fitzroy, Robert
[wait for the fun]
First Gentleman of Europe
Fischart, Johann
Fischer, Ernst Kuno Berthold
Fisher, John
Fiske, John
Fitch, John
Fitz-Boodle, George
FitzGerald, Edward
Fitzgerald, Lady
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward
Fitzherbert, Mrs.
Fitzroy, Robert
Fitzwilliam, William, Earl
Flahault de la Billarderie, Auguste Charles Joseph, Comte de
Flambard, Randolph
Flaminius, Caius


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Ascham, Roger
Baretti, Joseph
Burke, Edmund
Cooper, John Gilbert
Farneworth, Ellis
Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony
Fitzherbert, Thomas
Foote, Samuel
Graves, Richard
Rastall, John
Wynne, Edward