Fleury, André Hercule de. Cardinal (16531743)

Fleury, André Hercule de. Cardinal, French statesman, born at Lodève, in Languedoc; studied philosophy in Paris; became a doctor of the Sorbonne and almoner to the Queen and King Louis XIV., who subsequently made him bishop of Frèjus and tutor to his son Louis; in 1726 he was chosen Prime Minister by Louis XV., and created a cardinal; he carried through a successful war with Germany, which resulted in the acquisition of Lorraine by France, but although honest and cautious, he cannot be styled a great statesman (16531743).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Fleur-de-lis * Fleury, Claude, Abbé
[wait for the fun]
Fleming, Paul
Flemish School
Fleshly School
Fletcher, Andrew
Fletcher, Giles
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, Phineas
Fleurant, Monsieur
Fleury, André Hercule de. Cardinal
Fleury, Claude, Abbé
Flinders, Matthew
Flint, Robert
Floating Islands
Flodden, Battle of
Flood, Henry
Florian, Jean Pierre de