Francia, Dr. José Gaspar Rodriguez da (17571840)

Francia, Dr. José Gaspar Rodriguez da, dictator of Paraguay, born near Asunçion, in Paraguay; graduated as a doctor of theology, but subsequently took to law, in the practice of which profession he was engaged for 30 years, and won a high reputation for ability and undeviating honesty; in the revolutionary uprising which spread throughout Spanish South America, Paraguay played a conspicuous part, and when in 1811 she declared her independence, Francia was elected secretary of the first national junta, and two years later one of two consuls; eventually, in 1814, he became dictator, a position he held till his death; he ruled the country with a strong hand and with scrupulous, if somewhat rough, justice, making it part of his policy to allow no intercourse, political or commercial, with other countries; the country flourished under his rule, but fell into disorder after his death; he is the subject of a well-known essay by Carlyle, who finds him a man very much after his own heart (17571840).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Franche-Comté * Francis, St., of Assisi
[wait for the fun]
Foyers, Fall of
Fra Diavolo
Fracas`toro, Girolamo
Fragonard, Jean Honoré
Francesca, Pistro della
Francesca da Rimini
Francesco di Paula
Francia, Dr. José Gaspar Rodriguez da
Francis, St., of Assisi
Francis, St., of Sales
Francis Joseph
Franck, Sebastian
Francke, August Hermann