Gay, John

Gay, John, an English poet, born at Barnstaple the same year as Pope, a friend of his, to whom he dedicated his “Rural Sports”; was the author of a series of “Fables” and the “Beggar's Opera,” a piece which was received with great enthusiasm, and had a run of 63 nights, but which gave offence at Court, though it brought him the patronage of the Duke and Duchess of Queensberry, with whom he went to reside, and tinder whose roof he died; was buried in Westminster (1688-1732).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Gawain, Sir * Gaya
[wait for the fun]
Gaunt, John Of
Gauss, Karl Friedrich
Gautier, Théophile
Gautier and Garguille
Gavarni, Paul
Gavazzi, Alessandro
Gawain, Sir
Gay, John
Gay-Lussac, Louis Joseph
Gazette The
Ged, William
Geddes, Alexander
Geddes, Jenny
Geefs, Guillaume