Gilpin, William, of Boldre (17241804)

Gilpin, William, of Boldre, an English author, who by his series of “Picturesque Tours” exercised an influence on English literature similar to that of White's “Selborne,” at the same time (17241804).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Gilpin, John * Gilray, James
[wait for the fun]
Gilbert, William Schwenck
Gilbert Islands
Gilboa, Mount
Gilchrist, Alexander
Giles, St.
Gilfillan, George
Gillespie, George
Gilpin, John
Gilpin, William, of Boldre
Gilray, James
Gioberti, Vincenzo
Giordano, Luca
Giotto's O
Giraldus Cambrensis
Girard, Stephen
Girardin, Émile de
Girardin, François Saint-Marc