Girardin, Émile de, journalist and politician, born in Switzerland, the natural son of General Alexandre de Girardin; took to stockbroking, but quitting it for journalism he soon established a reputation as a ready, vivacious writer, and in 1836 started La Presse, the first French penny paper; his rapid change of front in politics earned for him the nickname of “The Weathercock”; latterly he adhered to the Republican cause, and founded La France in its interest; he published many political brochures and a few plays, and was for some years editor of La Liberté (1806-1881).—His wife, Delphine Gay, enjoyed a wide celebrity both as a beauty and authoress; her poems, plays, and novels fill six vols. (1806‒1881).
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Girard, Stephen * Girardin, François Saint-Marc