Gray, John Edward (18001875)

Gray, John Edward, English naturalist, born at Walsall; studied medicine, and at 24 entered the British Museum as an assistant in the Natural History department; in 1840 he became keeper of the Zoological Collections, of which he made a complete catalogue, enriched with most valuable notes; is the author of books and papers to the number of 500, and was an active promoter of scientific societies in London (18001875).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Gray, Auld Robin * Gray, Thomas
[wait for the fun]
Granville, George Leveson-Gower
Gratianus, Augustus
Grattan, Henry
Gray, Asa
Gray, Auld Robin
Gray, John Edward
Gray, Thomas
Great Commoner
Great Duke
Great Eastern
Great Elector
Great Harry
Great Magician
Great Moralist
Great Salt Lake
Great Slave Lake