Gregory of Tours, St. (540594)

Gregory of Tours, St., bishop of Tours, French theologian and historian, born at Clermont; was mixed up a good deal in the political strife of the time, and suffered not a little persecution; was the author of a “History of the Franks,” the earliest of French chronicles, entitling him to be regarded as the “Father of Frankish History”; his history contains a great number of valuable documents, though it is written in a barbarous style, and not unfrequently evinces a lack of moral sensibility (540594).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Gregory of Nyssa, St. * Gregory Thaumaturgus, St.
[wait for the fun]
Gregory I., the Great
Gregory II., St.
Gregory III.
Gregory VII., Hildebrand
Gregory IX., Ugolino
Gregory XIII.
Gregory XVI.
Gregory Nazianzen, St.
Gregory of Nyssa, St.
Gregory of Tours, St.
Gregory Thaumaturgus, St.
Gregory, David
Gregory, James
Gregory, James
Gregory, John
Gregory, William
Grenfell, Sir Francis Wallace
Grenville, George