Gregory IX., Ugolino

Gregory IX., Ugolino, born in Campania; had during his pontificate contests with the Emperor Barbarossa, whom he twice over excommunicated; was the personal friend of St. Francis of Assisi, whom he canonised; died at a very advanced age.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Gregory VII., Hildebrand * Gregory XIII.
[wait for the fun]
Greenwood, Frederick
Greg, William Rathbone
Grégoire, Henri
Gregorian Calendar
Gregorian Year
Gregory I., the Great
Gregory II., St.
Gregory III.
Gregory VII., Hildebrand
Gregory IX., Ugolino
Gregory XIII.
Gregory XVI.
Gregory Nazianzen, St.
Gregory of Nyssa, St.
Gregory of Tours, St.
Gregory Thaumaturgus, St.
Gregory, David
Gregory, James
Gregory, James
Gregory, John


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Antony, St.
Dominic, De Guzman
Francis Of Assisi
James De Vitri
Spinello, Aretino