Hertfordshire or Herts (220), an inland county of England, occupying a central position between Buckingham and Bedford on the W. and Essex on the E.; the surface is undulating and much covered with wood; the Lea and the Colne are the chief rivers; large crops of barley, wheat, and hay are raised; straw-plaiting and the manufacture of paper, silk, and chemicals are carried on extensively, while Ware is the centre of the English malting trade; St. Albans (q.v.) is the largest town.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Hertford * HerthaLinks here from Chalmers
Adrian Iv., Pope
Alabaster, William
Alban, St.
Allen, Anthony
Almon, John
Ames, Joseph
Anderson, Sir Edmund
Anson, George
Anstey, Christopher
[showing first 10 entries of 143]