Hôpital, Michel de l' (15051572)

Hôpital, Michel de l', Chancellor of France; stoutly resisted the persecution of the Protestants, and secured for them a measure of toleration, but his enemies were too strong for him; he was driven from power in 1568, and went into retirement; was spared during the massacre of St. Bartholomew, but it broke his heart, and he survived it only a few days (15051572).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Hope, Thomas * Hopkins, Samuel
[wait for the fun]
Hook, Theodore
Hooke, Robert
Hooker, Richard
Hooker, Sir William
Hooper, John
Hoosac Mountain
Hope, Antony
Hope, Thomas
Hôpital, Michel de l'
Hopkins, Samuel
Horatius Flaccus
Horn, Cape
Horn Gate
Horrocks, Jeremiah
Horsley, Samuel