James, Sir Henry (18031877)

James, Sir Henry, military engineer; superintended the geological survey of Ireland, and became in 1854 director-general of the Ordnance Survey (18031877).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

James, G. P. R. * James, Henry
[wait for the fun]
James I.
James II.
James III.
James IV.
James V.
James VI. of Scotland and I. of England
James II. of England and VII. of Scotland
James, Epistle of
James, G. P. R.
James, Sir Henry
James, Henry
James, Henry
James, John Angell
James, St.
James River
Jameson, Anna
Jameson, George
Jameson, Dr. Leander Starr
Jameson, Robert
James's Palace, St.