Janin, Jules Gabriel (18041874)

Janin, Jules Gabriel, critic and novelist, born at St. Étienne, France; took to journalism early, and established a reputation by his lively dramatic criticisms in the Journal des Débats; his gift of ready composition betrayed him into a too prolific output of work, and it is doubtful if any of his many novels and articles will long survive his day and generation; they, however, brought him wealth and celebrity in his own lifetime; he succeeded in 1870 to Sainte-Beuve's chair in the French Academy (18041874).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Janiculum * Janizaries
[wait for the fun]
Jameson, Anna
Jameson, George
Jameson, Dr. Leander Starr
Jameson, Robert
James's Palace, St.
Jamieson, Dr. John
Jamyn, Amadis
Jan Mayen Land
Jane Eyre
Janin, Jules Gabriel
Jannæus, Alexander
Jannes and Jambres
Jansen, Cornelius
Januarius, St.
January, Edict of