Jefferson, Thomas (17431826)

Jefferson, Thomas, American statesman, born at Shadwell, Virginia; took a prominent part in the Revolution, and claimed to have drawn up the Declaration of Independence; he secured the decimal coinage for the States in 1783; was plenipotentiary in France in 1784, and subsequently minister there; third President, 1801-1807, he saw the Louisiana purchase and the prohibition of the slave-trade; after his retirement he devoted himself to furthering education till his death at Monticello, Va.; he was a man of extremes, but honest and consistent in his policy (17431826).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Jefferson, Joseph * Jeffrey, Francis, Lord
[wait for the fun]
Jean Jacques
Jean Paul
Jeanne d'Albret
Jeanne d'Arc
Jebb, Professor
Jeejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee
Jefferies, John Richard
Jefferson, Joseph
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffrey, Francis, Lord
Jeffreys, Baron
Jekyll, Dr., and Mr. Hyde
Jelf, Richard William
“Jenkins's Ear,”