Mackenzie, Sir George (16361691)

Mackenzie, Sir George, eminent Scottish lawyer, born in Dundee; became King's Advocate for Scotland; wrote on law and on other subjects in a style which commended itself to such a critic as Dryden, though by his severe treatment of the Covenanters he earned in Scotland the opprobrious title of the “bluidy Mackenzie” (16361691).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell * Mackenzie, Henry
[wait for the fun]
Mace, The
Macfarren, Sir George Alexander
Machiavelli, Niccolo
M'Ivor, Flora
Mack, Karl
Mackay, Charles
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell
Mackenzie, Sir George
Mackenzie, Henry
Mackenzie River
M'Kinley, William
Mackintosh, Sir James
Maclaren, Ian
Maclaurin, Colin
Macleod, Norman
Maclise, Daniel
Macmahon, Duke of Magenta
Macpherson, James