Münzer, Thomas (14891525)

Münzer, Thomas, Anabaptist leader, born at Stolberg, and began to preach at Zwickau 1520; he came into collision both with the civil authorities and the Reformed Church; for several years he travelled through Bohemia and South Germany, and in 1525 settled at Mühlhausen; here his communistic doctrines obtained popularity and kindled an insurrection; the rebels were routed at Frankenhansen, and Münzer was captured and executed (14891525).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Münster * Murat, Joachim
[wait for the fun]
Müller, Johannes
Müller, Johannes von
Müller, Julius
Müller, Karl Otfried
Mulock, Dinah Maria
Mulready, William
Münchhausen, Baron von
Münzer, Thomas
Murat, Joachim
Muratori, Ludovico Antonio
Muravieff, Count
Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
Murdoch, William
Mure, Colonel
Mürger, Henri
Murray, John
Murray, Lindley