Palmer, Edward Henry (18401882)

Palmer, Edward Henry, Oriental scholar, born at Cambridge; had an aptitude for languages, and was especially proficient in those of the East; by his knowledge of Arabic contributed to the success of exploring expeditions to S. Palestine and Sinai; was appointed professor of Arabic at Cambridge in 1871; produced a Persian-English Dictionary, an Arabic Grammar, and a translation of the Korân, and in 1882 undertook two missions to Egypt, in the latter of which he and his party were betrayed and murdered; he was a man of varied gifts and accomplishments, and the loss in scholarship to his country by his fate is incalculable (18401882).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Palmer * Palmer, Samuel
[wait for the fun]
Pallas, Peter Simon
Pallavicino, Ferrante
Pallavicino, Sforza
Pallice, La
Palm, Johann Philipp
Palm Sunday
Palma, Jacopo
Palma, Jacopo
Palmer, Edward Henry
Palmer, Samuel
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount
Palo Alto
Paludan-Müller, Frederick
Pamirs, The