Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme (17831793)

Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme, born at Chartres; figured in the French Revolution as a zealous republican, member of the Tiers État, one of the commission to reconduct the royal family from Varennes; was mayor of Paris in the year of the September massacres, 1792; was first President of the Convention, and, though his influence was declining, member of the first Committee of Defence, 1793; his attack on Robespierre proving unsuccessful he committed suicide; his body was afterwards found on the Landes of Bordeaux half devoured by wolves; was surnamed the “Virtuous,” as Robespierre the “Incorruptible”; was of the Girondist party; had “unalterable beliefs, not hindmost of them,” says Carlyle, “belief in himself” (17831793).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Peterwardein * Petite Nature
[wait for the fun]
Peter the Great
Peter the Hermit
Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of
Peter's, St.
Peter's Pence
Pétion de Villeneuve, Jérôme
Petite Nature
Petition of Right
Petöfi, Sandor
Petrarch, Francesco
Petri, Laurentius
Petrie, Flinders
Petrie, George