Robson, Frederick (18211864)

Robson, Frederick (stage name of F. R. Brownhill), a noted comedian, born at Margate; took to the stage in 1844 after serving some time as an apprentice to a London engraver; his greatest triumphs were won after 1853 on the boards of the Olympic Theatre, London; he combined in a high degree all the gifts of a low comedian with a rare power of rising to the grave and the pathetic (18211864).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Robinson, Mary * Rochambeau, Comte de
[wait for the fun]
Robertson, Joseph
Robertson, Thomas William
Robertson, William
Robespierre, Maximilien
Robin Hood
Robins, Benjamin
Robinson, Edward
Robinson, Henry Crabb
Robinson, Hercules George Robert, Lord Rosmead
Robinson, Mary
Robson, Frederick
Rochambeau, Comte de
Roche, St.
Rochefort, Comte de
Rochelle, La
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of
Rock Island
Rock Temples