Savona, a seaport of Italy, on the Gulf of Genoa, in the Riviera, 26 m. SW. of Genoa, in the midst of orange groves, &c.; handsomely laid out; has a 16th-century cathedral, castle, palace, picture gallery, &c.; exports pottery and has prosperous iron-works, glass-works, tanneries, &c.
Population (circa 1900) given as 24,000.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Saville, Sir Henry * Savonarola, GirolamoLinks here from Chalmers
Boccone, Paolo
Brea, Lodovico
Doria, Andrew
Faletti, Jeronimo
Sixtus Iv.