
Scheldt, an important river of Belgium and Holland, rises in the French dep. of Aisne, and flows northwards past Cambrai (its highest navigable point) and Valenciennes, entering Belgium a little S. of Tournay and continuing northward, with Oudenarde, Ghent, and Antwerp on its banks; enters Holland, and at the island of S. Beveland splits into the Wester Scheldt and the Ooster Scheldt, which enter the North Sea, the former at Flushing, the latter at Bergen-op-Zoom; length 267 m., much the greater part being in Belgium.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Scheherazade * Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
[wait for the fun]
Schaff, Philip
Schäffle, Dr. Albert
Schall, Johann Adam von
Scharnhorst, Gerhard von
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm
Scheffel, Joseph Victor von
Scheffer, Ary
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
Schenkel, David
Scherer, Edmond
Schiller, Friedrich
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
Schlegel, Friedrich von
Schleicher, August
Schleiermacher, Friedrich Ernest Daniel
Schlemihl, Peter


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Angilbert, St.
Brueghel, Peter
Linguet, Simon Nicholas Henry