Smeaton, John (17241792)

Smeaton, John, civil engineer, born near Leeds; began life as a mathematical instrument-maker; made improvements in mill-work, and gained the Copley Medal in 1758; visited the principal engineering works in Holland and Belgium; was entrusted with the rebuilding of Eddystone Lighthouse (q.v.) after it was in 1755 burnt down, which he finished in 1759; did other engineering work in the construction of canals, harbours, and mills, rising to the summit of his profession (17241792).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Smart, Christopher * Smectymnuus
[wait for the fun]
Slick, Sam
Sloane, Sir Hans
Slop, Doctor
Slough of Despond
Sly, Christopher
Smart, Christopher
Smeaton, John
Smiles, Samuel
Smith, Adam
Smith, Alexander
Smith, George
Smith, Goldwin
Smith, James and Horace
Smith, John
Smith, John