Smith, Sydney (17711845)

Smith, Sydney, political writer and wit, born at Woodford, Essex, of partly English and partly Huguenot blood; educated at Westminster and Oxford, bred for the Church; after a brief curacy in Wiltshire settled in Edinburgh from 1798 to 1803, where, while officiating as a clergyman, he became one of the famous editors of the Edinburgh Review, and a contributor; settled for a time afterwards in London, where he delivered a series of admirable lectures on ethics, till he was appointed to a small living in Yorkshire, and afterwards to a richer living in Somerset, and finally a canonry in St. Paul's; his writings deal with abuses of the period, and are, except his lectures perhaps, all out of date now (17711845).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Smith, John * Smith, Sir William
[wait for the fun]
Smiles, Samuel
Smith, Adam
Smith, Alexander
Smith, George
Smith, Goldwin
Smith, James and Horace
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, Sydney
Smith, Sir William
Smith, William Robertson
Smith, Sir William Sidney
Smithsonian Institution
Smoky City
Smollett, Tobias George