Smith, Sir William Sidney (17641840)

Smith, Sir William Sidney, British admiral, born at Westminster; entered the navy at 12, became a captain after many gallant services at 18, was naval adviser to the king of Sweden and knighted, joined Lord Hood off Toulon and helped to burn the French fleet; was taken prisoner by the French in 1796, and after two years made his escape; forced Napoleon to raise the siege of Acre, and was wounded at Aboukir; was rewarded with a pension of £1000, and raised in the end to the rank of admiral (17641840).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Smith, William Robertson * Smithfield
[wait for the fun]
Smith, Adam
Smith, Alexander
Smith, George
Smith, Goldwin
Smith, James and Horace
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, Sydney
Smith, Sir William
Smith, William Robertson
Smith, Sir William Sidney
Smithsonian Institution
Smoky City
Smollett, Tobias George
Smyrna, Gulf of
Snake River