Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (18341892)

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, a great preacher, born at Kelvedon, Essex; had no college training; connected himself with the Baptists; commenced as an evangelist at Cambridge when he was but a boy, and was only 17 when he was appointed to a pastorate; by-and-by on invitation he settled in Southwark, and held meetings which were always requiring larger and larger accommodation; at length in 1861 the Metropolitan Tabernacle, capable of accommodating 6000, was opened, where he drew about him large congregations, and round which he, in course of time, established a number of institutions in the interest at once of humanity and religion; his pulpit addresses were listened to by thousands every Sunday, and were one and all printed the week following, and circulated all over the land and beyond it till they filled volumes; no preacher of the time had such an audience, and none such a wide popularity; he preached the old Puritan gospel, but it was presented in such a form and in such simple, idiomatic phrase, as to commend it as no less a gospel to his own generation: besides his sermons as published, other works were also widely circulated; special mention may be made of “John Ploughman's Talk” (18341892).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Springfield * Spurzheim, Johann Caspar
[wait for the fun]
Spohr, Ludwig
Spontini, Gasparo
Spottiswoode, John
Spottiswoode, William
Sprengel, Carl
Sprenger, Aloys
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
Spurzheim, Johann Caspar
Staal, Jean
Stabat Mater
Staël, Madame de