Thistle, Order of the

Thistle, Order of the, an order of Scottish knighthood, sometimes called the Order of St. Andrew, instituted in 1687 by James VII. of Scotland (James II. of England); fell into abeyance during the reign of William and Mary, but was revived by Queen Anne in 1703; includes the sovereign, 16 knights, and various officials. The principal article in the insignia is a gold collar composed of thistles intertwined with sprigs of rue.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Thisbe * Tholuck, Friedrich August
[wait for the fun]
Theuriet, André
Thierry, Jacques Nicolas Augustin
Thiers, Louis Adolphe
Thinker, The
Thirlwall, Conop
Thirty Years' War
Thistle, Order of the
Tholuck, Friedrich August
Thom, William
Thomas, Ambroise
Thomas, Arthur Goring
Thomas, George Henry
Thomas, St.
Thomas the Rhymer
Thomasius, Christian
Thoms, William John