Thomson, John (17781840)

Thomson, John, the artist minister of Duddingston, born at Dailly, in Ayrshire; succeeded his father in the parish of Dailly (1800), and five years later was transferred to Duddingston parish, near Edinburgh; faithful in the discharge of his parochial duties, he yet found time to cultivate his favourite art of painting, and in the course of his 35 years' pastorate produced a series of landscapes which won him wide celebrity in his own day, and have set him in the front rank of Scottish artists (17781840).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Thomson, James * Thomson, Joseph
[wait for the fun]
Thomas, George Henry
Thomas, St.
Thomas the Rhymer
Thomasius, Christian
Thoms, William John
Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville
Thomson, George
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, John
Thomson, Joseph
Thomson, Sir William, Lord Kelvin
Thoreau, Henry David
Thornbury, George Walter
Thornhill, Sir James
Thornycroft, Hamo
Thorwaldsen, Bertel


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Thurloe, John, Esq.