Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville (18301882)

Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville, zoologist, born at Bonsyde, Linlithgow; educated at Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh, and at the university there; a lecturer on botany at Aberdeen (1850), professor of Natural History in Queen's College, Cork (1853), of Geology at Belfast (1854), and of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh (1870); accompanied the Challenger expedition (1872-1876) as head of the scientific department; knighted 1876; wrote “The Depths of the Sea” and “The Voyage of the Challenger” (18301882).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Thoms, William John * Thomson, George
[wait for the fun]
Tholuck, Friedrich August
Thom, William
Thomas, Ambroise
Thomas, Arthur Goring
Thomas, George Henry
Thomas, St.
Thomas the Rhymer
Thomasius, Christian
Thoms, William John
Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville
Thomson, George
Thomson, James
Thomson, James
Thomson, John
Thomson, Joseph
Thomson, Sir William, Lord Kelvin
Thoreau, Henry David
Thornbury, George Walter