Weber, Karl Maria von (17861826)

Weber, Karl Maria von, German composer, born near Lübeck, of a famed musical family; early gave proof of musical talent; studied at Vienna under Abbé Vogler, and at Dresden became founder and director of the German opera; his first great production was “Der Freischütz,” which established his fame, and was succeeded by, among others, “Oberon,” his masterpiece, first produced in London, where, shortly after the event, he died, broken in health; he wrote a number of pieces for the piano, deservedly popular (17861826).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Wealth * Weber, Wilhelm Eduard
[wait for the fun]
Watson, William
Watt, James
Watteau, Antoine
Watts, George Frederick
Watts, Isaac
Watts, Theodore
Waugh, Edwin
Weber, Karl Maria von
Weber, Wilhelm Eduard
Webster, Daniel
Webster, John
Webster, Noah
Wedgwood, Josiah
Weeping Philosopher