Events noted in 1799

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1798 1800


Died: Agnesi, Maria Cajetana an Italian lady of great learning

Publication: “Recreations in Agriculture;” by Anderson, James writer

Died: Arnold, John a very ingenious mechanic of London

Died: Arteaga, Stephen writer

Died: Bertholon, De St. Lazare philosopher

Died: Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie earl of

Died: Blackburne, Francis the celebrated author of the “Confessional

Died: Bloch, Mark Eliezer naturalist

Publication: “A Supplement to the same,” by Boscawen, William writer

Died: Brereton, Owen Salusbury the son of Thomas Brereton

Publication: “The Theory of Commerce,” by Busch, John George writer

Publication: “Selection and Abridgement” by Butler, Charles writer

Publication: “Quelques considerations sur l'organization sociale en generale,” by Cabanis, Peter John George physician

Publication: “Magazin Encyclopedique;” by Cabanis, Peter John George physician

Publication: “Courier de Londres,” by Calonne, Charles Alexander De an eminent but unfortunate French minister

Died: Chapone, Hester an ingenious English lady

Died: Cozens, Alexander a Russian by birth

Died: Denne, Samuel was born at the deanry in Westminster

Died: Dewailly, Charles architect

Died: Dussaulx, John writer

Publication: “A short Appeal to the Public. By th,e gentleman who is particularly addressed in the Postscript of the Vindication of some passages in the fifteenth and sixteenth chapters of the Decline and Fail of the Roman Empire,” by Eyre, Francis a Roman catholic gentleman of Warkworth castle in Northamptonshire

Publication: “A Sermon preached on the day of the general fast, Feb. 27, 1799, by Theomophilus Brown,” by Geddes, Alexander divine

Publication: “Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations,” by Groto, Lewis poet

Died: Guys, Peter Augustine writer

Died: Julien, Simon artist

Died: Ingenhouz, John physician

Publication: “A Supplement to his Remarks” by King, Edward antiquary

Publication: “Sermons.” by Lely, Sir Peter painter

Died: Levi, David a learned Jew

Died: Melmoth, William son of the above

Died: Monnier, Peter Charles Le astronomer

Died: Montgolfier, Stephen James the inventor of air-balloons

Died: Montucla, John Stephen mathematician

Publication: “History,” by Montucla, John Stephen mathematician

Died: Morton, Charles antiquary

Died: Oeser, Frederic professor of painting

Died: Pauw, Cornelius De a native of Amsterdam

Publication: “The Aristocrat, by the author of the Democrat,” by Pye, Henry James poet

Died: Pyle, Thomas divine

Died: Requeno, Vlncente Jesuit

Died: Saussure, Horace Benedict De naturalist

Died: Smellie, William naturalist

Died: Tassie, James artist

Died: Towers, Joseph writer

Publication: “Rome at close of the eighteenth century,” by Tresham, Henry artist

Died: Washington, George commander in chief of the armies

Died: Withering, William botanist

Died: Wynne, John Huddlestone a man of some original genius