Requeno, Vlncente
, a learned Spanish Jesuit, was
born in Grenada about 1730. After a liberal education, in
which he made great proficiency in philosophy and mathematics, and discovered much taste for the fine arts, he
| retired to
Italy on the expulsion of his order. In 1782 he
sent to the society opened in
Madrid for the fine arts, a
memoir which gained the first prize; and in 1788 he carried off the prize proposed by the academy of
These two memoirs, which were printed in 1789, at
met with the approbation of all the foreign literary journals.
He had already obtained considerable fame on the continent from his elaborate work, printed at
Seville in 1766,
on the “
Roman Antiquities in Spain,” and had contributed
very much to Masdeu’s critical and literary history of
printed in 1781, &c. But perhaps he is best known to
artists and men of taste, by his “
Saggi sul ristabilimento
clelP antica arte de‘ Greci, e de’ Romani Pittori,” vol.
1784. The second edition of this elegant work
was published in 2 vols. 8vo, at
Parma, by Mr.
Joseph Molini in 1787. The author’s object was, as the title indicates, to investigate and restore the ancient art of Grecian
and Roman painting, and therefore in his first volume he
gives a circumstantial account of encaustic painting as
practised by the ancients, by which the lustre of their works
is preserved to this day. He proves that they not only
used the encaustic art in painting, but employed it in varnishing their statues, and even their utensils, ships, houses,
&c. After descanting on the disadvantages that arise from
painting in oil, he discloses the method of preparing the
materials employed in encaustic painting, with the manner
of using them; and substantiates this system by the opinions of many members of the
Clementine academy of
Bologne, and of several professors of the academies of
Padua, &c. also of others who, beside himself, have tried them; particularly at
Mantua, where under
the patronage of the marquis Bianchi, many pictures were
painted, of which Requeno gives an account. Artists,
however, have not in general been very forward to adopt
this plan, which, as the author explains it, differs very
much from what has been proposed by Count de Caylus,
Cochin, Bachelier, Muntz, and others. The abbe Requeno
died at
Venice in 1799.
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