Achard, Claude Francis

, a French physician, secretary to the academy of Marseilles, and librarian of that city, was born in 17.53, and died in 1809. He published, 1. “Dictionnaire de la Provence et du Comtat Venaissin,Marseilles, 1785—87, 4 vols. 4to. The first two volumes contain a French and Provençal vocabulary, and the last two the lives of the celebrated characters of Provence. Bouche, the abbe Paul, and some other authors, assisted in this work. 2. “Description historique, geographique, et topographique de la Provence et du Comtat Yenaissin,Aix, 1787, 4to.; one volume only of this has been published. 3. “Tableau de Marseilles,” intended to be comprized in two vols.; of which one only has appeared. 4. “Bulletin des Societés savantes de Marseilles et de departements du Midi,1802, 8vo. 5. “Cours elementaire de Bibliographic, ou la Science du Bibliothecaire,Marseilles, 1807, 3 vols. 8vo, verv incorrectly printed, and little more than a compilation from Fournier’s “Manuel Typographique,” and Peignot’s “Dictionnaire de Bibliologie;” and it is objected to him that the immense knowledge he requires in a librarian would render bibliography impossible, and tiresome. He also published a Catalogue of the Abbe Rive’s library, 1793, 8vo, and another of the library of Marseilles; and had published four numbers of the first volume of a Catalogue of the Museum of Marseilles. 1


Biographic Univcrsclle, 1811.