.Family descent.
“And hath made of one blood all nations of men.”—Acts xvii. 26.
Blood thicker than water. Relationship has a claim which is generally acknowledged. It is better to seek kindness from a kinsman than from a stranger. Water soon evaporates and leaves no mark behind; not so blood. So the interest we take in a stranger is thinner and more evanescent than that which we take in a blood relation.
“Weel! blude’s thicker than water. She s welcome to the cheeses and the hams just the same.”—Sir W. Scott: Guy Mannering.
Blue blood. (See under Blue.)
In cold blood. Deliberately; not in the excitement of passion or of battle.
“It runs in the blood of our family.”—Sheridan: The Rivals, iv. 2.
My own flesh and blood. My own children, brothers, sisters, or other near kindred.
Laws written in blood. Demaʹdēs said that the laws of Draco were written in blood, because every offence was punished by death.
The field of blood. Acelʹdama (Acts i. 19), the piece of ground purchased with the blood-money of our Saviour, and set apart for the burial of strangers.