,its process, according to biologists.
Part i.
Assuming the existence of some element, call it protyle (2 syl.), in time we get matter, and motion.
From matter and motion proceed cohesion and repulsion, and from cohesion and repulsion we get crystals.
Next comes chemical action into play, from which springs primordial protoplasm, or the protoplasmic clot of purely chemical origin.
By further development the chlorophyll cell is formed, with its power to assimilate, and this will account for air, water, and minerals.
By parasitism next comes the proto-bacillus or fungus, living on the green cells.
And then will follow the protozoön, the first example of animal life.
Part ii.
(1) The Amœba is the lowest of known animals, a mollusc, with the sole power of locomotion.
(2) The Syn-amœba is multicellular, with an organism adapted for sensation, digestion, and the power of reproduction.
(3) Then will come the Gastrula, an organised being, with an external mouth.
(4) Next the Hydra or Polyp, which has localised sense-organs and instincts.
(5) Then the Medusa, with nerves, muscles, and nerve functions.
(6) Next come worms, which have special sense-organs; and
(7) Then the Himatega, or Sack-worm, which has a rudimentary spinal cord.
(1) The larvæ of Ascidians.
(2) Lowly-organised fish, like the Lancelet.
(3) The Lepidosiren, and other fish.
(4) The Amphibians.
(5) Birds and Reptiles.
(6) Monotremata, which connect reptiles with mammals.
(7) Marsupials.
(8) Placental Mammals,
(9) The Lemuridœ.
(10) The Simiadœ.
(11) The Monkey tribe, consisting of the New World monkey (called Platyrhines), and the Old World monkeys (called Catarhines, 3 syl.).
(12) The Missing Link between the catarhine monkey and man. The Alali is thought by some to supply this link. It is one of the monkey tribe which approaches nearer to the human species than any other yet discovered.
⁂ This is no place to criticise the theory of evolution, but merely to state it as briefly and plainly as possible.