Aagard, Christian

, a Danish poet, born at Wibourg in 1616, was professor of poetry at Sora, and afterwards lecturer in theology at Ripen, in Jutland. Among his poems are: 1. “De hommagio Frederici III. Daniae et Norw. Regis,” Hafnioe, 1660, fol.; and 2. “Threni Hyperborei” on the death of Christian IV. All his pieces are inserted in the “Delicioe quorundam Poetarum Danorum, Frederici Rostgaard,Leyden, 1695, 2 vols. 12mo. He died in February 1664, leaving a son, Severin Aagard, who wrote his life in the above collection. 2


Moreri.—Dict. Hist. 1810.