The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “Delicioe quorundam Poetarum Danorum, Frederici Rostgaard,” by Aagard, Christian poet
Publication: “Panegyrique de Marie reine d'Angleterre,” by Abbadie, James divine
Died: Ainsworth, Robert an eminent Grammarian and lexicographer (?–1743)
Publication: “Contra vitam monastic-am,” by Alciati, Andrew lawyer
Publication: “Journal historique de l‘Europe pour l’annee 1694,” by Alemand, Louis-Augustine writer
Publication: “Les Presidents uniques, et les premiers Presidents au parlement de Dauphiné,” by Allard, Guy was a native of Dauphiny
Publication: “Recueil des Lettres,” by Allard, Guy was a native of Dauphiny
Publication: “Animadversions on Mr. Hill’s Vindication of the primitive Fathers, against the right rev. Gilbert, bishop of Sarum,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “An examination of Dr. Woodward’s account of the Deluge, &c. with a comparison between Steno’s philosophy and the doctor’s, in the case of marine bodies dug up out of the earth, &c.” by Arbuthnot, Dr. John physician
Born: Arckenholz, John historian
Died: Aubery, Anthony lawyer
Publication: “De Feudis liber singularis,” by Barathier, Bartholomew lawyer
Died: Basnage, Henry du Fraqueny
Publication: “Le Chirurgien de l'hospital,” by Belloste, Augustine surgeon
Publication: “Bradamante,” by Bernard, Catharine of the academy of the Ricovrati of Padua
Publication: “The miscellaneous works of Charles Blount, esq.” by Blount, Charles younger son of sir Henry Blount
Died: Blow, John musician
Publication: “Historia Musica di Gio. And. Angelini Bontempi,” by Bontempi, Angelini a native of Perugia
Born: Borlase, William antiquary
Publication: “A free discourse against customary swearing, and a dissuasive from cursing,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Born: Boyle, Richard third earl of Burlington and fourth earl of Cork
Died: Brevint, Daniel divine
Publication: “Tractatus de Passione Christi,” by Burman, Francis the first upon record of a very learned family
Died: Busby, Richard the most eminent schoolmaster in his time
Died: Cabel, Adrian Vander painter
Publication: “Hydrostaticse dissertationes,” by Casati, Paul Jesuit
Publication: “Tables of Jupiter’s Satellites,” by Cassini, John Dominic astronomer
Publication: “Love’s last Shift,” by Cibber, Colley poet
Born: Clayton, Robert bishop
Publication: “Juris publici prndentia,” by Cocceius, Henry lawyer
Publication: “L'Elvio, favola pastorale,” by Crescimbeni, John Mario poet
Publication: “Historia Quakeriana,” by Croese, Gerard divine
Publication: “A Vindication of the Divine Perfections, &c. by a Person of Honour,” by Dalrymple, James the seventh baron and first viscount Stair
Publication: “An Essay upon Ways and Means of supplying the War,” by Davenant, Charles the eldest son of sir William Davenant
Born: Dewit, James painter
Publication: “Traite co‘ntre l’avarice, par Louis de Dieu, qui est le seul de tous ses ouvrages Flamans qu‘il ait souhaite qu’on publiat.” by Dieu, Lewis De protestant minister of Leyden
Publication: “Histoire des quatre Gordiens, prouvee et illustree par les medailles,” by Dubos, John Baptist critic
Born: Duval, Valentine Jamerai a man of extraordinary talents
Publication: “Of the excellency and perfection of Scripture,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “Thoughts concerning the causes and occasions of Atheism,” by Edwards, John divine
Born: Estrees, Louis Cæsar, Duke D' marshal of France
Died: Felibien, Andrew Sieur des Avaux et de Javerci
Publication: “A Second Defence of the Propositions, &c.” by Fowler, Edward prelate
Publication: “A Discourse on the great disingenuity and unreasonableness of repining at afflicting Providences, and of the influence which they ought to have upon us, published upon occasion of the death of queen Maw; with a preface containing some observations touching her excellent endowments and exemplary life,” by Fowler, Edward prelate
Publication: “Observationes Biblicae menstrua: iti Versionern Germanicam Biblionun Lutheri,” by Francke, Augustus Herman divine
Publication: “The Life of Francis Harlay,” by Gendre, Louis Le historian
Publication: “Britannia” by Gibson, Edmund bishop
Publication: “Memoria Cossoniana; id est, Danielis Cossonii Vita breviter clescripta, cui annexa nova Editio veteris Monument! Ancyrani,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Abraham! Gorlaei Dactylotheca cum Explicationibus,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Trait< de Pinspiration des livres sacrt-es,” by Groteste, Claude, Sieur De La Mothe clergyman
Publication: “Discourse to his Clergy,” by Hacket, John bishop
Born: Hay, William writer
Died: Herbelot, Bartholomew D' an eminent Orientalist of France
Died: Hermann, Paul botanist
Publication: “Florae Lugdunobatavrc flores,” by Hermann, Paul botanist
Died: Hinckley, John son of Robert Hinckley of Coton in Warwickshire
Died: Hondius, Abraham artist
Publication: “Select Collec-' tion;” by Hopkins, Charles was born at Exeter
Publication: “Ovid’s Metamorphoses,” by Hopkins, Charles was born at Exeter
Publication: “Notae ad Georg. Wicelium de methodo concordiae ecclesiasticae,” by James, Thomas critic
Publication: “Parochial Antiquities, attempted in the History of Ambroseden, Burcester, and other adjacent parts, in the counties of Oxford and Bucks,” by Kennet, White writer
Died: Kettlewell, John divine
Publication: “An Admonition to the Dissenting Inhabitants of the Diocese of Derry, concerning a book lately published by Mr. J. B. entitled Remarks, &c.” by King, Da. William archbishop
Died: Lancelot, Claude writer
Publication: “A Poem on the enterprize of the Prince of Orange in England,” by Leti, Gregory writer
Died: Lister, Martin philosopher
Publication: “Cochlearum & Limacum Exercitatio anatomica; accedit de Variolis Exercitatio,” by Lister, Martin philosopher
Publication: “De l'Education des Enfans,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “The Reasonableness of Christianity,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “A clear and learned Explication of the History of our Blessed Saviour, taken out of above thirty Greek, Syriac, and other oriental authors, by way of Catena, by Dionysius Syrus, translated into English,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar
Publication: “A Vindication of Robert, the third king of Scotland, from the imputation of bastardy, &c.” by Mackenzie, George viscount Tarbat
Publication: “Observations sur la Grossesse et l'Accouchement des Femmes, et sur leurs Maladies, et celles des Enfans nouveaux ne*s,” by Mauriceau, Francis an eminent French accoucheur
Died: Merret, Christopher naturalist
Died: Mignard, Peter painter
Publication: “Voyage en divers endroits de l'Europe, en Afrique et au Levant,” by Monconys, Balthasar traveller
Born: Mosheim, John Lawrence divine (1695–1755)
Publication: “Letters between Mr. Moyle and several of his friends,” by Moyle, Walter, Esq.
Died: Nelson, Robert a learned and pious English gentleman
Publication: “Britannia,” by Nicolson, William antiquary
Publication: “Analysis infinitorum seu curvilineorum Proprietates ex Polygpnorum natura deductse,” by Nieuwentyt, Bernard mathematician
Publication: “Letters concerning the Love of God, between the author of the `Proposal to the Ladies,' and Mr. John Norris wherein his Jate discourse, shewing that it ought to be intire and exclusive of all other loves, is further cleared and justified,” by Norris, John divine
Born: Pitot, Henry mathematician
Publication: “Descriptions des Plantes de PAmerique,” by Plumier, Charles called Father Plumier
Born: Rutherford, John physician
Born: Servandoni, John Nicholas architect
Died: Spencer, John divine
Born: Stuckius, John-William writer
Publication: “Mathesis enucleata,” by Sturmius, John Christopher mathematician
Publication: “Notitia Monastica, or a short History the Religious Houses in England and Wales,” by Tanner, Thomas antiquary
Publication: “Testament politique du marquis de Louvois,” by Tellier, François Michel Le marquis de Louvois
Died: Thomassin, Lewis divine
Born: Trew, Christopher James naturalist
Died: Vaughan, Henry poet
Publication: “Remarks on some late Sermons, and in particular on Dr. Sherlock’s sermon at the Temple December the 30th, 1694, in a letter to a friend. The second edition, with additions. Together with a letter to the author of a pamphlet entitled A Defence of the archbishop’s Sermon, &c. and several other Sermons, &c.” by Wagstaffe, Thomas divine
Publication: “The Husbandman’s Manual: directing him how to improve the several actions of his calling, and the most usual occurrences of his life, to the glory of God, and benefit of his soul,” by Welchman, Edward divine
Publication: “Elegies on Q. Mary and Abp. Tillotson,” by Wesley, Samuel divine
Publication: “Vindication of archbishop Tillotson’s Four Sermons (concerning the divinity and incarnation of our blessed Saviour) and of the bishop of Worcester’s sermon on the mysteries of the Christian faith.” by Williams, John divine
Born: Wise, Francis antiquary
Died: Wood, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “L'Inganni Felici,” by Zeno, Apostolo poet
Publication: “Traité des plaies d'Arquebusades,” by Abeille, Scipio was also born at Riez
Publication: “Le parfait Chirurgien d'armée,” by Abeille, Scipio was also born at Riez
Born: Achard, Anthony divine
Publication: “Practical godliness the ornament of Religion,” by Alsop, Vincent an English nonconformist of considerable note
Died: Annesley, Samuel a very eminent nonconformist minister
Publication: “Bibliotheca Hispana vetus, complectens scriptores qui ab Octaviani Augusti imperio usque ad annum M. floruerunt,” by Antonio, Nicholas a very learned and useful Spanish biographer
Publication: “A Theological Discourse of last Wills and Testaments,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “A two-fold Vindication of the late archbishop of Canterbury, and the Author of the History of Religion, &c.” by Atterbury, Francis bishop
Publication: “DelP Istoria del Monasterio di S. Benedetto di Polirone nella Stato di Mantoua Libri cinque,” by Bacchini, Bernardin scholar
Died: Baengius, Peter son of Eric Basngius
Died: Baldinucci, Philip of Florence
Died: Balguy, John divine
Born: Barbazan, Stephen antiquary
Publication: “Exercitatio Physica, de Ventis,” by Barrington, John Shute first lord viscount Harrington (1678–1734)
Publication: “Traite de la conscience,” by Basnage, James de Franquener
Publication: “L‘Histoire de Catherine de France, reine d’Angleterre,” by Baudot De Juilli, Nicholas born at Vendôme in 1678
Publication: “Thesaurus, sive Gemmae, Numismata,” by Beger, Lawrence the son of a tanner
Publication: “De constitutione artis medicae,” by Behrens, Conrad Bertold physician
Died: Bellori, John Peter antiquary
Publication: “Dissert. Sex de Libanio,” by Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Born: Berti, John Lawrence monk
Publication: “Tractatus de refractione solis inoccidui,” by Billberg, John astronomer
Publication: “Prince Arthur, an heroic poem in ten books,” by Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Born: Bleterie, John Philip Rene De La was born at Rennes
Died: Bois, Gerard Du of the Oratory
Publication: “History of the Church of the Vatican; with the plans both antient and modern,” by Bonanni, Philip Jesuit
Publication: “Dissertatio de nomine patriarch! Joseph! a Pharaone imposito, in defensionem vulgatoe editionis, et patrum qui Josephum in Serapide adumbratuni tradiderunt,” by Bonjour, William a learned Augustin
Died: Bouette De Blemur, Jacqueline a lady
Publication: “The light of the world,” by Bourignon, Antoinette a famous female enthusiast
Died: Brandt, Gaspard was born in 1653
Publication: “Aonii Palearii Verulani opera,” by Broeckhusius, John scholar
Publication: “A Vindication of Abp. Tillotson,” by Burnet, Gilbert bishop
Born: Burton, John divine
Born: Clarke, Dr. Alured divine
Publication: “De Philologia,” by Crenius, Thomas a native of the marche of Brandenburg
Publication: “DeEruditione comparanda,” by Crenius, Thomas a native of the marche of Brandenburg
Publication: “DiluciJationes quasdam valde neces$ariae in Gerardi Croesii Hist.” by Croese, Gerard divine
Born: Dandini, Hercules Francis count
Publication: “Observations on Blackmore’s Prince Arthur;” by Dennis, John poet
Publication: “Operationes Chirurgicse novum lumen exhibentes obstetricantibus,” by Deventer, Henry a celebrated man-midwife
Died: Domat, John lawyer
Born: Dupre De St. Maur, Nicholas Francis master of the accounts at Paris
Publication: “A Demonstration of the Existence and Providence of God,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “The Socinian Creed,” by Edwards, John divine
Died: Erskine, Henry divine
Publication: “The Preternatural state of the Animal Humours described by their sensible qualities,” by Floyer, Sir John physician
Born: Gally, Henry divine
Born: Geinoz, Francis member of the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres
Publication: “Theatrum Botanicum” by Gesner, Conrad scholar
Publication: “On Architecture,” by Goldman, Nicholas mathematician
Publication: “Delle Antiche Favola,” by Gravina, John Vincent scholar
Publication: “Tollii insignia itinerarii Italici,” by Gregory, Nazianzen was born A. D. 324
Publication: “Harpocrationis tie Vocibus Liber; accedit Diatribe Henrici Stephani ad locos Isocrateos,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “O ratio de primis Incrementis Urbis Lugduni,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “De duobus LapU dibus in agro Dnyvenvoordiensi repertis,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Rycquius de Capitolio Romano, cum Notis Gronovii,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Born: Hecht, Christian divine
Died: Henry, Philip an eminent nonconformist
Publication: “The Life of Mr. Philip Henry,” by Henry, Matthew an eminent dissenting teacher
Publication: “Jeux Floraux,” by Heritier, Marie Jeanne L' de Villandon
Born: Hervey, John, Lord Hervey Of Ickworth writer
Died: Holder, William philosopher
Born: Home, Henry usually called Lord Kames
Publication: “Thucydides,” by Hudson, Dr. John critic
Publication: “Museum regium, sive catalogus rerum, &c. quee in basilica bibliotheca Christiani V. Hafnise asservantur,” by Jacobæus, Oliger a professor of physic and philosophy at Copenhagen
Publication: “Parallele de trois Lettres pastorales de Mr. Jurieu, c.” by Juried, Peter divine
Born: Keith, James field-marshal in the king of Prussia’s service
Publication: “Historia Critica Homeri,” by Kuster, Ludolf critic
Publication: “Mystical city of God,” by Lenglet Du Fresnoy, Nicholas writer
Publication: “Conchy liorum Bivalvium utriusque Aquae Exercitatio anatom. tertia,” by Lister, Martin philosopher
Publication: “Vindication of the Reasonableness,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “A second Vindication,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “Historical Collections concerning Deposing of Bishops,” by Lowth, Simon clergyman
Publication: “Letters, one from a supposed nun in Portugal,” by Manley, De La Riviere an English lady
Publication: “A Discourse concerning the Love of God,” by Masham, Lady Damahis a lady distinguished by her piety and extraordinary accomplishments
Publication: “Bibliotheca Latina” by Mayer, John Frederic divine
Died: Molinos, Michael a Spanish priest
Died: Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer
Publication: “De Origine et Progressu Idololatrise,” by Morin, Stephen a learned French protestant
Publication: “Considerationes secundoe circa differentialis Principia r & Responsio ad Yirum nobilissimum G. G. Leibnitium,” by Nieuwentyt, Bernard mathematician
Born: Oldys, William bibliographer
Publication: “Sermons et instructions Chretiennes sur diverses matieres,” by Orleans, Peter Joseph D' historian
Born: Orville, James-Philip D' critic
Publication: “Aonii Palearii opera,” by Palearius, Aonlus writer
Publication: “Fasciculus Dissertationum dequibusdam Machinis Physicis,” by Papin, Denys physician
Publication: “Histoire Evangelique confirmée par la Judaïque & la Romaine,” by Pezron, Paul a learned and ingenious Frenchman
Publication: “Almagestum Botanicum, sive Phytographiae Piukenetianae Onornasticon,” by Plukenet, Leonard botanist
Publication: “Resolutio omnium difficultatum,” by Puy, Peter Du historian
Publication: “Synopsis” by Ray, John philosopher
Publication: “De Antiquitate Characters hodierni Judaici,” by Rhenferd, James scholar
Born: Saxe, Maurice, Count Of a celebrated commander
Publication: “Codex juris Alemannici feudalis,” by Schilter, John an eminent jurist
Publication: “Institutiones juris publici,” by Schilter, John an eminent jurist
Died: Sevigne', Mary De Rabutin, Lady De Chantal And Bourbilly, And Marchioness De was the only daughter of Celse Benigne de Rabutin
Died: Shaw, Samuel a learned non- conformist
Publication: “Scotia Illustrata, sive Prodromus historian naturalis, &c.” by Sibbald, Sir Robert physician
Publication: “De legibus historian naturalis,” by Sibbald, Sir Robert physician
Died: Simson, Robert mathematician
Died: Sinclare, George professor of philosophy in the university of Glasgow in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum Bibl, Cottonianse,” by Smith, Thomas divine
Publication: “Thomas a Kempis De Imitatione Christi,” by Stanhope, George dean
Born: Strange, Sir John lawyer
Publication: “Epistolaad Cellarium, de Bibliothecis,” by Struvius, Burcard Gotthelf one of the many sons of the preceding
Born: Theodore, Anthony I. king of Corsica
Died: Tollius, James physician
Publication: “Histoire des Revolutions de Suede,” by Vertot D'Aubœuf, Rene' Aubert De historian
Publication: “Variorum,” by Victor, Sextus Aurelius historian
Publication: “An account of the proceedings in the House of Commons, in relation to the recoining the clipped money, and falling the price of guineas. Together with a particular list of the names of the members consenting and dissenting; in answer to a Letter out of the country,” by Wagstaffe, Thomas divine
Publication: “A new Theory of the Earth, from its original to the consummation of all things; wherein the Creation of the World in six days, the universal deluge, and the general conflagration, as laid down in the Holy Scriptures, are shewn to be perfectly agreeable to Reason and Philosophy,” by Whiston, William divine (1667–1752)
Publication: “Egyptiaca;” by Witsius, Herman divine
Died: Witte a German biographer
Died: Abeille, Scipio was also born at Riez
Publication: “On the prophet Habakkuk,” by Agelius, Anthony a native of Sorrento
Died: Alberti, Valentine professor of divinity at Leipsic
Born: Albinus, Bernard Siegfried and one of the most celebrated anatomists of modern times
Publication: “Twentyseven letters in ‘Gudii Epistolas,’” by Alciati, Andrew lawyer
Publication: “Eclaircissement des prétendues difficultés proposeés a mons. l'archevêque de Rouen, sur plusieurs points importans de la morale de Jesus Christ,” by Alexander, Noel, In Latin Natalis writer
Publication: “A Letter to a Doctor of Sorbonne, upon the dispute concerning Probability, and the Errors of a Thesis in Divinity maintained by the Jesuits in their college at Lyons, the 26th of August,” by Alexander, Noel, In Latin Natalis writer
Publication: “A second letter upon the same subject,” by Alexander, Noel, In Latin Natalis writer
Publication: “Genealogie de la famille Simiane,” by Allard, Guy was a native of Dauphiny
Publication: “Notitia Germanise inferioris,” by Alting, Menso probably of fche same family
Born: Altmann, John George divine
Died: Ange De St. Joseph, Le Pere a barefoot carmelite of Toulouse
Born: Anson, George an eminent naval commander
Died: Antelmi, Joseph antiquary
Born: Antonelli, Nicholas Maria count of Pergola
Born: Anville, John-Baptiste Bourignon D' first geographer to the king of France (?–1782)
Publication: “Traite de la lecture des Peres de l'Eglise.” by Argonne, Noel, Called Dom Bonaventure D' was born at Paris in 1634
Publication: “Fama Arndtiana reflorescens,” by Arndt, Charles [son of Joshua Arndt]
Born: Attaignant, Gabriel Charles De L' poet
Publication: “History of the Viceroys of Sicily,” by Auria, Vincent born at Palermo
Publication: “Dissertatio Philosophica, de Theocratia morali,” by Barrington, John Shute first lord viscount Harrington (1678–1734)
Publication: “Dissertatio Philosophica Inauguralis, de Theocratia civili,” by Barrington, John Shute first lord viscount Harrington (1678–1734)
Died: Beale, Mary painter
Born: Bearcroft, Philip master of the Charterhouse
Born: Beaurain, John De an accurate military geographer
Born: Belidor, Bernard Forest De a member of the academies of sciences of Paris and Berlin
Publication: “Lond. 1699, 8vo. 5.” by Bentley, Richard regius professor of divinity
Died: Bernard, Dr. Francis physician
Publication: “Critique on the Works of Rabelais,” by Bernier, John physician
Publication: “Istoria universale provata con monument! e figurata con simboli degli antichi,” by Bianchini, Francis astronomer
Born: Biancolini, John Baptist Joseph was born at Verona
Publication: “Vindiciae quorundam Delineationum Anatomicarum contra ineptasAnimadversionesF. Ruyschii, &c.” by Bidloo, Godfrey writer
Publication: “Essays,” by Blount, Sir Thomas Pope writer
Publication: “Musæo di fisica e cli esperienze decorate di opervazioni naturali,” by Boccone, Paolo naturalist
Born: Bolton, Robert dean
Publication: “Apostolic Charity, its nature and excellency considered, in a discourse upon Daniel xii. 3. preached at St. Paul’s, at the ordination of some Protestant Missionaries to be sent into the plantations. To which is prefixed, a general view of the English colonies in America, in order to show what provision is wanting for the propagation of Christianity in those parts, together with proposals for the promoting the same r to induce such of the clergy of this kingdom, as are persons of sobriety and abilities, to accept of a mission.” by Bray, Thomas divine
Born: Bruckman, Francis Ernest botanist
Publication: “Ars transferendi; of sure guide to the conveyancer,” by Brydal, John antiquary
Publication: “Remarks upon an Essay concerning human understanding;” by Burnet, Dr. Thomas writer
Born: Burton, John antiquary
Publication: “Curiosities of England,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Born: Camusat, Francis Dennis was born at Besanon
Born: Canal, Antonio painter
Publication: “Life of St. Chaumont,” by Chastelain, Claude canon of the cathedral church of Paris
Publication: “Chevraeana,” by Chevreau, Urban was born at Loudun
Died: Child, William Mus. D
Publication: “Incredulity.” by Clerc, John Le writer
Publication: “Ritratti de celebri personaggi dell 1 academia cosmografica, &.c.” by Coronelli, Vincent a celebrated geographer of the Minime order
Publication: “Nouvelle methods de Geographic historique, &c.” by Dangeau, Louis Courcillon De a French abbe
Publication: “An Essay on the East-India Trade,” by Davenant, Charles the eldest son of sir William Davenant
Publication: “A Plot and no Plot, or Jacobite Credulity,” by Dennis, John poet
Publication: “The Sham- Lawyer, or the Lucky Extravagant” by Drake, James physician
Publication: “I only borrowed two months.” by Dryden, John poet
Born: Duchal, James a learned dissenting minister
Died: Eachard, John master of Catharine-hall (?–1697)
Publication: “Remarks on Mr. Whiston’s Theory of the Earth,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “Fragmenta” by Ephorus historian
Publication: “Numismata; a discourse of medals, ancient and modern; together with some account of heads and effigies of illustrious and famous persons, in sculps and taille douce, of whom we have no medals extant, and of the uses to be derived from them. To which is added, a digression concerning physiognomy,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Died: Fabricius, John Lewis divine
Publication: “An Explication of the Maxims of the Saints concerning the interior life.” by Fenelon, Francis De Salignac De La Motte archbishop
Publication: “Explanation of the Maxims of the Saints,” by Fenelon, Francis De Salignac De La Motte archbishop
Publication: “De futilitate Poetices,” by Fevre, Tannegui Le a very learned man
Died: Firmin, Giles divine
Died: Firmin, Thomas a person memorable for public benefactions and charities
Publication: “An Enquiry into the right use of Baths,” by Floyer, Sir John physician
Born: Foster, Dr. James an English dissenting minister
Publication: “The Lives of certain Martyrs,” by Gallonius, Anthony a native of Rome
Died: Gethin, Lady Grace an English lady of uncommon parts
Publication: “Catalog! Librorum Manuscriptorum in Anglia & Hibernia in unum collecti,” by Gibson, Edmund bishop
Born: Gill, John divine
Publication: “Lettres sur les Progres de la Religion a la Chine,” by Gobien, Charles Le Jesuit
Born: Goujet, Claude Peter a canon of St
Died: Grævius, John George critic
Publication: “Thesaurus GriEcarum Antiquitatum,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Born: Hamberger, George Edward professor of chemistry and of the practice of medicine in the university of Jena
Publication: “Cogitationes super quatuor priora capita Geneseos,” by Helmont, Francis Mercurius Van was born in 1618
Publication: “Ricovrati,” by Heritier, Marie Jeanne L' de Villandon
Born: Hogarth, William a truly great and original genius (?–1764)
Publication: “Boadicea Queen of Britain,” by Hopkins, Charles was born at Exeter
Publication: “Traite de l'Existence de Dieu,” by Jacquelot, Isaac divine
Died: Kuhnius, Joachim a learned German
Publication: “Elements of Arithmetic and Algebra,” by Lagny, Thomas Fantet De mathematician
Born: Lami, John an Italian ecclesiastic
Publication: “A History of England,” by Larrey, Isaac De historian
Publication: “Exercitationes quinque de Aquis Mineralibus, Thermis calidis, Morbis acutis, Morbis intermittentibus, Hydrope,” by Leigh, Charles naturalist
Publication: “Exercitationes medicinales,” by Lister, Martin philosopher
Publication: “A Letter to the Bishop of Worcester,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “Reply to the Bishop of Worcester,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “Lycophron,” by Lycophron poet
Born: Madox, Isaac prelate
Publication: “Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Angliae & Hiberniae,” by Maittaire, Michael an eminent classical editor
Publication: “Opera Posthnma,” by Malus, Stephen Louis mathematician
Died: Manby, Peter writer
Born: Marin, Michael Angelo writer
Publication: “Lexicon philologicum, in quo Latinae et a Latinis auctoribus usurpatae turn purae, turn barbaroe voces ex originibus declarantur, &c.: accedit Cadmus Graeco-Phoanix etGlossarium Isidori,” by Martinius, Matthias divine
Born: Mascrier, John Baptist De a French abbé
Born: Meadowcourt, Richard critic
Publication: “A Discourse of Conscience, &c. with reflexions upon the author of Christianity not mysterious,” by Milner, John divine
Born: Monro, Alexander, M. D. anatomist
Born: Morand, Sauveur Francis surgeon
Publication: “Anecdota Latina,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Publication: “An Office for Prisoners,” by Nelson, Robert a learned and pious English gentleman
Died: Osiander, John Adam divine
Born: Parisot, Peter famous for his adventures
Publication: “Snarronis Sturlonidac Hist, regum Septentrionalium,” by Peringskiold, John antiquary
Died: Pezron, Paul a learned and ingenious Frenchman
Publication: “The History of the Peace of Westphalia,” by Pfanner, Tobias the son of a counsellor at Augsburg
Publication: “Theologie du Coeur,” by Poiret, Peter famous only for his love of mysticism and enthusiasm
Died: Pool, Matthew a learned Nonconformist
Born: Prevot D' Exiles, Antony Francis was born at Hesdin (1697–1763)
Born: St. Palaye, John Baptist De La Curne De writer
Died: Santeul, John Baptist in Latin Santolius
Publication: “Charron on Wisdom,” by Stanhope, George dean
Died: Struvius, Burcard Gotthelf one of the many sons of the preceding
Publication: “Sciagraphia Templi Hierosolymitani,” by Sturmius, Leonard Christopher writer
Publication: “Orcades, seu rerum Orcadensium historiae libri tres,” by Torfæus, Thermodus antiquary
Died: Towerson, Gabriel divine
Born: Trublet, Nicholas Charles Joseph a French abb of temporary fame
Publication: “Cornpleat history of the most remarkable Providences, both of Judgment and Mercy, &c. to which is added, whatever, is curious in the works of nature and art. The whole digested into one volume, under proper heads; being a work set on foot thirty years ago, by the rev. Mr. Pool, author of the ‘ Synopsis Criticorum;’ and since undertaken and finished by William Turner,” by Turner, William divine
Died: Vincent, Thomas divine
Died: Ward, John writer
Publication: “Sermons,” by Wharton, Thomas physician
Publication: “Three poems of St. Paul’s cathedral, viz. The Ruins (mentioned above), The re-building, The Choir,” by Wright, Abraham divine
Publication: “Histoire de la Conspiration derniere d'Angleterre,” by Abbadie, James divine
Publication: “The Christian’s daily Sacrifice, on Prayer,” by Addison, Lancelot clergyman
Publication: “Accessiones Histories,” by Alberic historian
Born: Alberti, John professor of Divinity in the university of Leyden
Publication: “Etat politique de Grenoble,” by Allard, Guy was a native of Dauphiny
Publication: “Fabularum Æsopicarurn delectus,” by Alsop, Anthony writer
Publication: “Apologie del'amourqui nous fait desirer de posseder Dieu seul, &c. avec des remarques sur les maximes et les principes de M. de Fenelon,” by Argentre, Charles Duplessis D' bishop
Publication: “Traite de PEglise,” by Argentre, Charles Duplessis D' bishop
Publication: “The Plain Man’s Devotion, Part I. In a method of daily Devotion and, a method of Devotion for the Lord’s Day. Both fitted to the meanest capacities,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Born: Baker, Henry naturalist
Born: Ballerini, Peter And Jerom brothers
Publication: “Pyrosophia,” by Barchausen, John Conrad physician
Publication: “Florus Danicus, sive Danicarum rerum a primordio regni ad tempera usque Christian! I. Oldenburgici Breviarium.” by Bering, Vitus poet
Died: Berkeley, George Earl Of descended in a direct line from Robert Fitzharding
Publication: “Nouvelles de la llepublique des Lettres,” by Bernard, James professor of philosophy and mathematics
Died: Bernier, John physician
Publication: “Synopsis rerum ab orbe condito gestarum, usque ad Ferdinandi imperium,” by Besold, Christopher lawyer
Publication: “De Fornicatione cavenda,” by Beverland, Adrian born at Midclleburgh in Zealand
Publication: “Notitiae auctorum juridicorum et juris arti inservientium, tria specimina,” by Beyer, George bibliographer
Publication: “A letter to Anthony Leeuvvenhoek concerning the animals which are sometimes found in the liver of sheep or some other animals.” by Bidloo, Godfrey writer
Publication: “Conspectus prcestantiorum scriptorum linguæ Latinæ;” by Borrichius physician
Publication: “Thomre Magistri Dictionum Atticarurh Ecloga,” by Bos, Lambert philologist
Born: Bouchardon, Edmund a French sculptor
Born: Bouguer, Peter mathematician
Died: Boyer, Claude of the French academy
Publication: “Medicinal experiments: or, a collection of choice remedies, chiefly simple, and easily prepared, useful in families, and fit for the service of the country people. The third and last volume, published from the author’s original manuscript; whereunto are added several useful notes, explicatory of the same,” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Publication: “History of Oliver Cromwell,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Died: Calvert, James the son of Robert Calvert
Born: Chambre, Francis Illharrart De Là an ingenious doctor of the Sorbonne
Died: Ciampini, John Justin a learned Italian
Publication: “Cotelerii Patres Apostolici,” by Clerc, John Le writer
Publication: “Hypomnemata Juris,” by Cocceius, Henry lawyer
Born: Contant, Peter architect
Publication: “Specchio del mare Mediterraneo,” by Coronelli, Vincent a celebrated geographer of the Minime order
Born: Corte, Gotlieb professor of law at Leipsic
Publication: “Dictionarium antiquitatum Romanarum et Grsecarum,” by Danet, Peteu a French cure at Paris
Publication: “Discourses on the public revenues, and of the trade of England. Part I. To which is added, a discourse upon improving the revenue of the state of Athens, written originally in Greek by Xenophon, and now made English from the original, with some historical notes by another hand,” by Davenant, Charles the eldest son of sir William Davenant
Publication: “Histoire de Nestorianisme,” by Doucin, Lewis Jesuit
Died: Echard, James an useful French biographer
Publication: “Twelve Sermons on special occasions and subjects,” by Edwards, John divine
Born: Ellis, John writer
Died: Evelyn, John third son of the former
Publication: “Enchyridion de formulis prescribendis, secundum method um Gaspari Crameri,” by Eysel, John Philip physician
Publication: “Compendium Anatomicum,” by Eysel, John Philip physician
Publication: “Animoe humanae Natura ab Augustino detecta,” by Fardklla, Michael Angelo a celebrated professor of astronomy and natural history at Padua
Born: Fleming, Caleb a dissenting minister
Publication: “A Treatise on the Asthma,” by Floyer, Sir John physician
Publication: “De Emphasibus Sac. Script,” by Francke, Augustus Herman divine
Born: Francois, Laurence writer
Publication: “Sur le pecule des Religieux,” by Gerbais, John a learned French ecclesiastic
Publication: “Hist, de PEditde P empereur de la Chine en faveur de la religion Chretienne,” by Gobien, Charles Le Jesuit
Publication: “Considerations theologiques et critiques centre le Projet d'une nouvelle Version de la Bible,” by Gousset, James divine
Born: Griffet, Henry writer
Publication: “Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum Libri sex, nunc primum ex Bibliotheca Medicea eruti,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Suetonius a Salmasio recensitus cum Emendationibus J. Gronovii,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Phaedrus,” by Gudius, Marquard critic
Publication: “Voces Typico-propheticiT,” by Gurtler, Nicolas divine
Died: Heidegger, John Henry divine
Publication: “Historia Papatfts,” by Heidegger, John Henry divine
Born: Hildesley, Mark prelate
Died: Hoffman, Maurice physician
Died: Hoffman, John Maurice son of the former by his first wife
Born: Houbraken, Jacob engraver
Died: Howard, Sir Robert writer
Publication: “Geographies Veteris Scriptores Graeci Minores cum Dissertationibus & Armotationibus Henrici Dodwelli,” by Hudson, Dr. John critic
Publication: “De Navigationibus Salomonis,” by Huet, Peter Daniel bishop
Born: Hutchins, John historian
Born: Jortin, Dr. John divine
Publication: “Examination of Burnet’s Theory of the Earth,” by Keill, John mathematician
Publication: “The Anatomy of the Human Body abridged,” by Keill, James physician
Publication: “Preface to sir Henry Spelman’s History of Sacrilege,” by Kennet, White writer
Publication: “Tractatus de Calumniis Pagariorum in veteres Christianos,” by Kortholt, Christian a learned professor of divinity at Kiel
Publication: “Quaestiones philosophies ex sacris Veteris et Novi Testament! aliisque scriptoribus,” by Kuhnius, Joachim a learned German
Publication: “The History of Sin and Heresy,” by Leslie, Charles writer
Publication: “Reply, in answer to the Bishop’s second Letter,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Born: Lockman, John a man of much literary industry
Publication: “Grammatica Amharicae liiifmse qua; est vernacula Habessinorum,” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Publication: “Lexicon Amharico-Latinnm, &c.” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Born: Maclaurin, Coun mathematician
Died: Martignac, Stephen Algai, Sieur De seems to be one of the first French writers who practised the plan
Publication: “A Treatise on Religion, against the Atheists, the Deists, and the new Pyrrhonians,” by Mauduit, Michael divine
Born: Maupertuis, Peter Louis Morceau De mathematician
Died: Meninski, Franciscus A Mesgnien a most celebrated German orientalist
Born: Metastasio, Peter poet
Born: Mignot, Stephen a learned French canonist
Publication: “Poetical Translation of Psalms,” by Milbourne, Luke writer
Publication: “Notes on Dryden’s Virgil,” by Milbourne, Luke writer
Publication: “A View of the Dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c. lately published by the rev. Dr. Bentley. Also, of the examination of that Dissertation by the hon. Mr. Boyle,” by Milner, John divine
Publication: “Explanationes sacrse et philologicae in aliquot V. et N. Testament! Loca,” by Morin, Stephen a learned French protestant
Died: Morton, Richard physician
Publication: “The Advantages of a learned Education,” by Nichols, William divine (1664–1712)
Publication: “De Fcenore et Usuris,” by Noodt, Gerard a celebrated civilian (?–1725)
Publication: “De Jur6 summi Imperii et Lege regia, Oratio habita,” by Noodt, Gerard a celebrated civilian (?–1725)
Born: Oglethorpe, James Edward a distinguished English officer
Died: Orleans, Peter Joseph D' historian
Died: Palliot, Peter historiographer
Born: Pearsall, Richard divine
Born: Pontoppidan, Eric bishop
Publication: “Boethius de Consolatione Philosophise,” by Rawlinson, Christopher of CarkhalL in Lancashire
Died: Redi, Francis physician
Born: Richardson, William divine
Died: Richelet, Caesar Peter writer
Publication: “Libra veritatis,” by Rittangelius, John Stephen a native of Forcheim
Publication: “Phsedrus,” by Rittershusius, Conradus a learned civilian and philologer of Germany
Born: Savage, Richard an eminent instance of the uselessuess and insignificancy of knowledge
Publication: “Cases in parliament resolved and adjudged upon petitions and writs of error,” by Shower, Sir Bartholomew lawyer
Publication: “Discourses upon Government;” by Sidney, Algernon a strenuous champion for repub-lican government
Publication: “Inscriptiones Grgecse. Palmyrenorum, cum scholiis Ed. Bernardi et Thotnse Smithi,” by Smith, Thomas divine
Publication: “The English Works of sir Henry Spelman,” by Spelman, Sir Henry antiquary
Born: Spence, Joseph divine
Publication: “The Life of Sir Thomas Smith,” by Strype, John the most valuable contributor to ecclesiastical history and biography that ever appeared in this country
Died: Theophanes, Prokopovitch historian
Publication: “Dionysii Orbis Descriptio, cum veterum scholiis et Eustathii commentariis. Accedit Periegesis Prisciani, cum notis Andrea Papii,” by Thwaites, Edward a learned Saxonist
Publication: “Sermons,” by Toland, John writer
Publication: “The Militia Keformed, &c.” by Toland, John writer
Publication: “Histoire des Plantes qui naissent aux environs de Paris, avec leur usage dans la me'decine,” by Tournefort, Joseph Pitton De botanist
Publication: “An Argument, shewing that a standing army is inconsistent with a free government, and absolutely destructive to the constitution of the English monarchy;” by Trenchard, John writer
Publication: “Numismata imperatdram & Csesarum, a populis Romanae ditionis GriEce loquentibus ex omni modulo percussa,” by Vaillant, John Foi a great medallist
Died: Walpole, Sir Robert earl of Orford
Born: Warburton, William prelate
Born: Abresch, Frederic Louis scholar
Died: Abriani, Paul of Vincenza
Publication: “the best Latin poem since the Æneid.” by Addison, Joseph son of Dr (1672–1719)
Died: Aguirre, Joseph Saenz De a very learned man of the 17th century
Publication: “Traite de l'amour desouverain bien, &c.” by Ameline, Claude a French ecclesiastic
Died: Anguier, Francis And Michael the sons of a mechanic in the town of Eu in Normandy
Publication: “Sermons,” by Atterbury, Lewis was born at Caldecot
Died: Barbeyrac, Charles physician
Died: Bates, William divine
Born: Beckingham, Charles writer
Publication: “Excidium Trojanum,” by Beger, Lawrence the son of a tanner
Publication: “Gli antichi sepolcri, owero Mausolei Romani et Etruschi, &c.” by Bellori, John Peter antiquary
Publication: “An answer to the dissenters pleas for Separation, or an abridgment of the London cases; wherein the substance of those books is digested into one short and plain discourse,” by Bennet, Dr. Thomas divine
Born: Benson, George a learned and eminent dissenting teacher
Publication: “De antiqua poetarum sapientia” by Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Publication: “La Medicina difesa contra la calunnie degli nomini volgari e dalle opposizioni del dotti, divisa in due dialoghi,” by Bertini, Anthony Francis physician
Publication: “Tractatus de reformatione Calendarii Juliani et Gregoriani,” by Billberg, John astronomer
Born: Blair, Robert divine and poet
Publication: “Oxford history of Plants,” by Bobart, Jacob a German horticulturist
Publication: “Songe de Boccace, ou de Labyrinthe d' Amour,” by Boccaccio, John one of the most eminent Italian poets and scholars
Publication: “In monumenta Coptica, seu Ægyptiacæ bibliothecæ Vatican brevis exercitatio,” by Bonjour, William a learned Augustin
Born: Bowyer, William the most learned English printer of whom we have any account (?–1777)
Died: Bruyere, John De La one of those celebrated persons whose writings attract universal admiration
Born: Bullet, John Baptist writer
Publication: “Unparalleled Varieties,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Born: Camus, Charles Stephen Lewis mathematician
Died: Canitz, The Baron Of poet and statesman
Publication: “Historia gentis & religionis Samaritanae ex nova Sichemitarum epistola aucta,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic
Publication: “Ars Critica,” by Clerc, John Le writer
Publication: “De vita Theoxlorici regis Ostrogothorum,” by Cochlæus, John a native of Nuremberg
Publication: “A Defence of the Short View, being a reply to Mr. Congreve’s amendments, &c. and to the vindication of the author of the Relapse,” by Collier, Jeremy divine
Publication: “Theologise Christianae prinfcipia mathematica,” by Craig, John mathematician
Died: Cramer, John Rodolphus divine
Publication: “An Essay on the probable Method of making the people gainers in the Balance of Trade,” by Davenant, Charles the eldest son of sir William Davenant
Publication: “Rinaldo and Armida,” by Dennis, John poet
Born: Desbois, Francis Alexander Aubert De La Chesnaie a laborious Dictionary maker
Publication: “History of Physic,” by Drake, James physician
Publication: “Animadversiones ad Nicolai Bergerii librog de publicis et militaribus imperii Romani viis,” by Dubos, John Baptist critic
Publication: “Des Memoires Politiques, pour servir a Pintelhgence de la paix de Ilyswic,” by Dumont, John baron of Carlscroon
Publication: “Voyages en France, en Italie, en Aiiemagne, aMalte, et en Turkic,” by Dumont, John baron of Carlscroon
Publication: “Dialogues posthumes du Sieur de la Bruyeresur le Quietisme,” by Dupin, Lewis Ellies historian
Publication: “A Survey of the different dispensations of Religion, from the beginning of the world to the consummation of all things,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “Compendium Physiologicum,” by Eysel, John Philip physician
Publication: “Observationes Anatomico medicos selectiores,” by Fantoni, John physician
Died: Ferrand, Louis lawyer
Publication: “The Dispensary.” by Garth, Sir Samuel poet and physician
Died: Gerbais, John a learned French ecclesiastic
Born: Gravelot, Henry Francis Bourignon artist
Publication: “Dialogi Eucharistici,” by Gurtler, Nicolas divine
Died: Halket, Lady Anne a learned English lady
Died: Helmont, Francis Mercurius Van was born in 1618
Born: Hill, Robert was a man remarkable for his perseverance and talent in learning many languages by the aid of books alone
Publication: “Philosophical Transactions” by Hooper, Dr. George divine
Publication: “Dissertations sur le Messie,” by Jacquelot, Isaac divine
Publication: “Gratius, de Venatione, cum notis,” by Johnson, Thomas scholar
Born: Jussieu, Bernard was also a native of Lyons
Publication: “Rohault’s Philosophy.” by Ibbot, Dr. Benjamin writer
Publication: “Harmonia sive concordia Evangelii,” by Lami, Bernard a learned priest of the Oratory
Publication: “Epistolae ad principem suum Auguscum Saxonise dueem,” by Languet, Hubert a native of France
Publication: “Lithophylacii Britannici Iconographia,” by Lhuyd, Edward antiquary
Born: Martyn, John professor of botany at Cambridge
Died: Mead, Matthew divine
Publication: “Barrow’s Optical Lectures,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Born: Nichols, Frank physician and anatomist (?–1778)
Publication: “Julius Paulus sive, de Partus Expositione et Nece apud veteres, Liber singularis,” by Noodt, Gerard a celebrated civilian (?–1725)
Publication: “Introduction to the Roman and German history, from the foundation of Rome to the year 1699,” by Olearius, Godfrey the most considerable of a family of learned men of thU name
Publication: “Judgment of the ancient Jewish church,” by Philo, Judæus writer
Born: Pitt, Christopher poet
Publication: “Traité de l'Orgueil,” by Placette, John De La a protestant minister of great eminence
Publication: “La Communion deVote,” by Placette, John De La a protestant minister of great eminence
Born: Pombal, Sebastian Joseph Carvalho marquis of
Died: Pomet, Peter born April 2
Born: Pothier, Robert Joseph son of a counsellor to the presidial of Orleans (1699–1772)
Died: Racine, John poet
Publication: “De veritate Religionis Christianas,” by Rittangelius, John Stephen a native of Forcheim
Died: Rocaberti, John Thomas De a celebrated general of the Dominicans
Publication: “A method of resolving Indeterminate Questions in Algebra,” by Rolle, Michel mathematician
Publication: “Lectiones Venusinae,” by Rutgers, John critic
Publication: “Disputationes historic^ civiles,” by Schurtzfleisch, Conrad Samuel a learned German
Publication: “The Mourner’s Companion, or Funeral Discourses on several texts,” by Shower, John divine
Died: Stillingfleet, Edward one of the most learned prelates of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Lessons for Youth and Old Age,” by Strype, John the most valuable contributor to ecclesiastical history and biography that ever appeared in this country
Publication: “Mathesis Juvenilis,” by Sturmius, John Christopher mathematician
Died: Swift, Jonathan an illustrious English wit
Publication: “Musae Anglicanse,” by Trapp, Joseph divine
Publication: “A Defence of the Vindication of king Charles the Martyr; justifying his majesty’s title to Efxcuv 'BacriMw, in answer to a late pamphlet entitled Amyntor,” by Wagstaffe, Thomas divine
Died: Walker, Obadiah divine
Born: Wharton, Philip, Duke Of was born about 1699
Publication: “Historia Histrionica; an historical account of the English stage, shewing the ancient use, improvement, and perfection, of dramatic representations in this nation. In a dialogue of plays and players,” by Wright, Abraham divine