Ambrosini, Bartholomew
, was a physician of considerable eminence and professor of botany at Bologna, where he died in 1657. He was also director of the botanic garden, and was appointed by the senate superintendant of the museum of natural history belonging to the republic. His principal botanical work was entitled “De Ccipsicorum varietate cum suis iconibus: accessit panacea ex herbis quas a sanctis denominantur,” Bologna, 1650, 12mo. He was also distinguished as a successful medical practitioner; and during the plague in 1630, his extensive experience furnished the materials of a work on that subject, “Modo, e facile preserva, e cura di peste a beneficio de popolo di Bologna,” 1631, 4to. He published afterwards, “Theorica medicina in tabulas digesta,” 1632, 4to, ibid. “De Pulsibus,” 1645, 4to; “De externis malis opusculum,” 1656; “De Urinis,” &c. He likewise discovered great ability as an editor, in the publication of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th volumes of the works of Aldrovandus. 2
Biog. Universelle. —Manget. Bibl.-—Dict. Hist.orique.