The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “A disputation on the Style of the New Testament,” by Aagard, Nicholas brother of the above (1612–1657)
Died: Abraham, Nicholas Jesuit
Born: Allam, Andrew writer
Publication: “De utriusque ecclesiæ, &c. in dogmate de purgatorio eonsensione,” by Allatius, Leo keeper of the Vatican library
Born: Ange De Ste Rosalie a barefoot Augustine
Died: Angel, John clergyman
Died: Anthony, John son of the above
Publication: “Oratio tie studio sapientiae,” by Apaczai, John a man of singular character and learning of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Laniena Sabaudica,” by Arndt, Joshua divine
Publication: “Eleonorae Magdalenae Theresiae Neoburgicae genethliacon,” by Balde, James poet
Publication: “EuclidisElementa,” by Barrow, Isaac divine
Publication: “La Vie de M. Frai^ois D'Estaing, eveque de Rhodez,” by Beau, John Baptiste Le Jesuit
Died: Bennet, Christopher physician
Publication: “Health’s Improvement, or rules comprising or discovering the nature, method, and manner of preparing all sorts of food used in this nation,” by Bennet, Christopher physician
Died: Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano De was born about 1620
Publication: “Vindicise Evangelicae,” by Biddle, John writer
Publication: “The Covenant sealed,” by Blake, Thomas divine
Died: Blondel, David a protestant minister
Publication: “Delphi Phcenicizantes, &c.” by Bogan, Zachary writer
Publication: “De vero Telescopii Inventore, cum brevi omnium conspicillorum historia,” by Borel, Peter physician
Publication: “Tresor des Recherches et Antiquity’s Gauloises, reduites en ordre alphabetique, et enrichies de beaucoup d'origines, epitaphes, et autres choses rares et curieuses, coin me aussi de beaucoup de mots de la langue Thyoise ou Theutfranque,” by Borel, Peter physician
Publication: “Auctarium ad Vitam Peirescii,” by Borel, Peter physician
Publication: “Commentum in antiquum philosophum Syrum,” by Borel, Peter physician
Publication: “Time’s Treasury, or Academy for the accomplishment of the English gentry in arguments of discourse, habit, fashion, &c.” by Brathwaite, Richard whom Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite
Publication: “Monasticon Britannicum,” by Broughton, Richard historian
Publication: “Eloquentia Poetica,” by Brun, Lawrence Le Jesuit
Died: Camusat, Nicholas historian
Publication: “Chronologia Sacra,” by Capellus, Lewis divine
Publication: “In Hieroclis commentarium de Providentia & Fato, notae & emendationes,” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva
Publication: “A Treatise concerning Enthusiasm, as it is an effect of Nature; but is mistaken by many for either divine inspiration, or diabolical possession,” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva
Publication: “The World’s Olio,” by Cavendish, Margaret duchess of Newcastle
Born: Chapelle, John De La the descendant of a noble family
Publication: “Epicurus his Morals,” by Charleton, Walter physician
Publication: “Court Ayres,” by Child, William Mus. D
Publication: “Moral Discourses and Essays upon several subjects,” by Culpeper, Sir Thomas second son of sir Thomas Culpeper of Hollingbourne
Publication: “Pro duabus Synodis, Alenson et Carenton. Apologia,” by Daille, John a minister of the church of Paris
Publication: “Initium, incrementum, et exitus fainiliae Giraldinorum Desmoniae comitum. Palatinorum Kyerria in Hibernia, ac persecutionis hsereticorum descriptio, ex nonnullis fragmentis collecta'ac latinitate donata,” by Daly, Daniel an Irishman by birth
Publication: “On the Psalms,” by Dickson, David divine
Born: Diest, Abraham Van artist
Publication: “The Complete Ambassador, &c.” by Digges, Sir Dudley eldest son of Thomas Digges
Born: Fabra, Aloysio physician
Born: Falle, Philip a learned man
Publication: “Lusiad, or Portugal’s Historical Poem,” by Fanshawe, The Right Hon. Sir Richard, Knt. And Bart. statesman
Publication: “On the case as it stands between the church of England and of Rome on the one hand, and those congregations which have divided from it on the other,” by Ferne, Henry bishop
Publication: “On the division between the English and Romish church upon the reformation,” by Ferne, Henry bishop
Died: Ferrari, John Baptist Jesuit
Publication: “Diatribe, Flavii Josephi de Jesu Christo testimonium suppositurn esse,” by Fevre, Tannegui Le a very learned man
Publication: “Christian Caveat,” by Fisher, Edward supposed by Wood to be the son of sir Edward Fisher
Publication: “The Spirit of Bondage and Adoption largely and practically handled,” by Ford, Simon a man of learning
Publication: “Daemonium meridianum, or Satan at noon; being a sincere and impartial relation of the pro-; ceedings of the commissioners of the county of Berks, authorized by the ordinance for ejection, against John Pordage, late minister of Bradfield, in the same county,'” by Fowler, Christopher clergyman
Publication: “A new Survey of the West-Indies; or the English American his Travail by sea and land, containing a journal of 3300 miles within the main land of America. Wherein is set forth his voyage from Spain to St. John de Ulhua; and from thence to Xalappa, to Flaxcalla, the city of Angels, and forward to Mexico, &c. &c. &c.” by Gage, Thomas clergyman
Publication: “Hymna de febribus,” by Gayton, Edmund or
Publication: “Will Bagnal’s Ghost, or the Merry Devil of Gadmunton,” by Gayton, Edmund or
Publication: “Vindicise supremi Dei dominii,” by Gilbert, William divine
Publication: “A Table shewing how to blazon a coat ten several ways,” by Gore, Thomas writer
Publication: “Historia Gotteschalci,” by Gotteschalcus, Fulgentius surnamed Fulgentius
Publication: “A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews,” by Gouge, William divine
Born: Guglielmini, Domenick mathematician
Publication: “Explicatio duorum vetustorum numismatum Nemausensium ex sere,” by Guiran, Galliard antiquary
Died: Habert, Germain poet
Publication: “The Triumphs of Rome over despised Protestancy,” by Hall, George was born at Waltham Holy Cross in 1612
Publication: “The reformed Common-wealth of Bees, with the reformed Virginian Silkworm,” by Hartlib, Samuel writer
Publication: “Chemical, Medicinal, and Chirurgical Addresses to Samuel Hartlib.” by Hartlib, Samuel writer
Died: Heinsius, Daniel critic
Publication: “Sectiones Conicse in noveui hbfos distributee,” by Hire, Philip De La astronomer
Publication: “Elementorum Philosophiae sectio prima de Corpore,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Publication: “History of Philosophy,” by Hornius, George historian
Publication: “Observationes in Willerami Francicam paraphrasin Cantici canticorum,” by Junius, Francis was born at Heidelberg in 1589
Died: Knott, Edward Jesuit
Died: Latch, John lawyer
Born: Ludolph, Henry William also a native of Erfurt
Publication: “The plain man’s senses exercised to discern both good and evil; or a discovery of the errors, heresies, and blasphemies of these times,” by Lyford, William clergyman
Died: Malingre, Claude Sieur of St
Born: Marck, John De divine
Publication: “Monasticon Anglicanum,” by Marsham, Sir John writer
Died: Matthew, Tobias and a very singular character
Died: Meibomius is the name of several learned men
Born: Montfaucon, Bernard De Benedictine
Publication: “Cadmon’s Saxon Paraphrase of Genesis, and other parts of the Old Testament,” by Mores, Edward-Rowe antiquary
Born: Nicolson, William antiquary
Publication: “Perfect Conveyancer; or, several select and choice Precedents,” by Noy, William attorney-general in the reign of Charles I. the son of William Noy
Publication: “Redemption redeemed;” by Owen, John the most eminent and learned of the nonconformist divines
Died: Perrier, Francis artist
Born: Pictet, Benedict historian
Died: Place, Joshua De La a learned protestant minister
Publication: “Antimus Coningius Peruviani pulveris defensor, repulsus a Melippo Protymo” by Plempius, Vopiscus Fortunatus physician
Publication: “Sententiarum Liber,” by Pullen, Robert cardinal
Publication: “Traité de la Majorite de nos rois et du regences du royaume, avec les preuves,” by Puy, Peter Du historian
Publication: “De Dudaim Rubenis dissertatio philologica,” by Ravis, Christian a learned orientalist
Publication: “Choice Observations and Explanations upon the Old Testament,” by Richardson
Died: Riviere, La'Zarus an eminent French physicist
Died: Robinson, Hugh divine
Publication: “Dispute de TEucharistie,” by Rodon, David a celebrated French professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century
Died: Smith, Richard another Roman catholic champion
Born: Spark, Thomas editor of Lactantius
Born: Steffani, Agostino composer
Died: Sueur, Eustache Le one of the best painters hi his time which the French nation had produced
Died: Taylor, John usually called the Water- Poet
Publication: “Court Ayres, &c.” by Taylor, Silas antiquary
Born: Thomas, Christian philosopher
Died: Tristan L'Hermite, Francis poet
Died: Varillas, Anthony writer
Born: Vertot D'Aubœuf, Rene' Aubert De historian
Died: Vines, Richard divine
Publication: “Discourse of the Thirteen Cantons of the Helvetical league,” by Wake, Isaac a learned politician
Publication: “A Discourse of the Piety, Policy, and Charity of Elder Times, and Christians,” by Waterhouse, Edward writer
Died: Werenfels, Samuel divine
Publication: “The Muses Cabinet,” by Winstanley, William author of the “Lives of the Poets;” of “Select Lives of England’s Worthies;” “Historical Rarities;” “The Loyal Martyrology;” and some single lives; all in 8vo
Born: Abercromby, Patrick historian
Born: Aler, Paul Jesuit
Publication: “A familiar Explanation of the Assembly’s Catechism,” by Allein, Joseph divine
Died: Amama, Sixtinus professor of the Hebrew tongue in the university of Franeker
Publication: “De externis malis opusculum,” by Ambrosini, Bartholomew physician
Died: Andreas, Valerius a biographer
Publication: “Lucas redivivus, or The gospel physician, prescribing (by way of meditation) divine physic to prevent diseases not yet entered upon the soul, and to cure those maladies which have already seized upon the spirit,” by Anthony, John son of the above
Died: Archinto, Octavius a Milanese count
Died: Arnold, Christopher writer
Publication: “Letters to Nich. Heinsius,” by Arnold, Christopher writer
Born: Atterbury, Lewis was born at Caldecot
Born: Baker, Thomas antiquary
Publication: “Lettres familiaires a M. Chapelain,” by Balzac, John Lewis Guez Dr writer
Publication: “Controversial et Stratagemata,” by Baro, Bonaventure whose true name was Fitz-Gerald
Publication: “Comic history of the states and empires of the Moon” by Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano De was born about 1620
Died: Berkeley, Sir Robert one of the justices of the king’s bench in the time of Charles I. was born in 1584
Publication: “The life and death of Dr. James Usher, late archbishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland, in a sermon preached at his funeral in the abbey of Westminster, on the 17th of April, 1656,” by Bernard, Nicholas divine
Died: Birckbek, Simon divine
Publication: “Poemata in Elegiaca, lambica, Polymetra, &c. membranatim quadripartite,” by Birkhead, Henry poet
Publication: “Glossographia, or a Dictionary of hard words,” by Blount, Thomas writer
Publication: “Historia Ludicra,” by Bonifacio, Balthasar lawyer
Publication: “Vitae Renati Cartesii compendium,” by Borel, Peter physician
Publication: “Ecclesiye Gallicanae Historiarum liber primus,” by Bosquet, Francis bishop
Publication: “Defence of Scriptures,” by Bourne, Immanuel clergyman
Born: Bray, Thomas divine
Born: Bretonnier, Bartholomew Joseph advocate of the parliament of Paris
Publication: “Juvenalis et Persii Satira?,” by Busby, Richard the most eminent schoolmaster in his time
Born: Campistron, John Galbert was born at Toulouse in 1656
Publication: “Nature Picture, drawn by fancy’s pencil to the life. In this volume there are several feigned stories of natural descriptions, as comical, tragical, and tragicomical, poetical, romancical, philosophical, and historical, both in prose and verse, some all verse, some all prose, some mixt, partly prose and partly verse. Also there are some morals, and some dialogues; but they are as the advantage loaf of bread to the baker.'s dozen, and a true story at the latter end, wherein there is no feigning,” by Cavendish, Margaret duchess of Newcastle
Publication: “Vale Royal of Cheshire,” by Chaloner, James was a commoner of Brazen-nose college in Oxford
Born: Chamillard, Stephen antiquary
Publication: “Pucelle:” by Chapelain, John poet
Publication: “Effets de la Fortune,” by Chevreau, Urban was born at Loudun
Born: Chudleigh, Lady Mary who had the character of a very philosophic and poetic lady
Born: Closterman, John painter
Publication: “Histoire des Vies des Papes,” by Coulon, Lewis historian
Born: Coward, William writer
Born: Dahl, Michael painter
Publication: “De Usu Patrum,” by Daille, John a minister of the church of Paris
Born: Davenant, Charles the eldest son of sir William Davenant
Publication: “Joannis Dartis opera Canonica, edente J. Doujatio,” by Doujat, John scholar
Born: Eeckhout, Antony Vander painter
Born: Eisenschmidt, John Caspar was born at Strasbourg Sept. 25
Publication: “An Essay on the First Book of Titus Lucretius Carus, de renim natura, interpreted, and made into English verse, by J. Evelyn, esq.” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Born: Fleetwood, William bishop
Born: Forbin, Claude, Chevalier De a French naval officer of great repute
Publication: “Christ’s Innocency pleaded against the cry of the chief priests,” by Ford, Simon a man of learning
Publication: “Daemonium meridianum, the second part, discovering the slanders and calumnies cast upon some corporations, with forged and false articles upon the author, in at pamphlet entitled `The case of Reading rightly stated,' by the adherents and abettors of the said J. Pordage,” by Fowler, Christopher clergyman
Publication: “Christ’s innocency pleaded against the cry of the Chief Priests,” by Fowler, Christopher clergyman
Publication: “L'Opere di Galileo Galilei Lynceo,” by Galilei, Galileo astronomer
Died: Glassius, Solomon critic
Publication: “History of Leopold,” by Gualdo Priorato, Galeasso historian
Publication: “The Novelty of Popery discovered,” by Guild, William divine
Died: Hales, John critic
Died: Hall, John poet
Died: Hall, Joseph a very eminent
Born: Halley, Edmund astronomer
Died: Halloix, Peter Jesuit
Born: Hartsoeker, Nicholas mathematician
Publication: “Expeditio Buckingham! ducis in Ream insulam,” by Herbert, Edward lord Herbert
Publication: “De utriusque luminaris defectu.” by Hevelius, John astronomer
Born: Hidalgo, Don Joseph Garcia artist
Publication: “The Questions concerning Liberty, and Necessity, and Chance, stated and debated between Mr. Hobbes and Dr. Bramhall, bishop of London-Derry,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Publication: “Six Lessons to the professors of mathematics of the institution of sir Henry Savile,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Born: Jenkin, Robert divine
Publication: “Nouvelle Methode pour apprendre Iq Grec,” by Lancelot, Claude writer
Born: Langbaine, Gerard wa; born in Oxford July 15
Born: Leake, Sir John a brave and successful English admiral
Publication: “Treatise of Religion and Learning,” by Leigh, Edward writer
Publication: “Jonas illustratus Heb. dial, et Latin.” by Leusden, John scholar
Died: Lightfoot, John divine
Publication: “Paralipomenon de Historicis Gracis,” by Mallinkrott, Bernard dean
Publication: “The whole Art of Angling,” by Markham, Gervase an English author
Publication: “Eulogies on illustrious Men,” by Masson, Papirius writer
Publication: “Poemata,” by Menage, Giles called
Publication: “Phcenix,” by Menasseh, Ben Israel rabbi
Publication: “Musarum Deliciae, or the Muses Recreation,” by Mennes, Sir John, seaman
Died: Menochius, John Stephen born in 1576
Born: Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer
Born: Moor, Karel De painter
Died: Morin, John Baptist physician
Born: Nelson, Robert a learned and pious English gentleman
Publication: “Astronomia Britannica, &c. in three parts,” by Newton, John divine (1622–1678)
Publication: “Reports of Cases in the time of Queen Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charles the First; containing the most excellent Exceptions for all manner of Declarations, Pleadings, and Demurs, exactly examined and laid down,” by Noy, William attorney-general in the reign of Charles I. the son of William Noy
Publication: “Advice to a Son,” by Osborne, Francis writer
Publication: “Lettres Provinciates,” by Pascal, Blaise mathematician
Publication: “Reports and Cases, adjudged in the time of queen Elizabeth,” by Popham, Sir John lawyer
Publication: “Callipoedia” by Quillet, Claudius writer
Publication: “A brief relation of sir Walter Ralegh’s Troubles.” by Ralegh, Sir Walter or'Rawlegh
Born: Reyneau, Charles-Rene commonly called Father Reyneau
Died: Severinus, Marcus Aurelius physician
Publication: “King’s Vale-Royal,” by Smith, William antiquary
Publication: “De morte dissertatio,” by Sterne, John physician
Publication: “De Pallio,” by Tertullian, Quintus Septimius Florens writer
Born: Tournefort, Joseph Pitton De botanist
Publication: “Garden of Flowers,” by Tradescant, John a contributor to the study of natural history in this country in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Museum Tradescantianum, or a collection of rarities, preserved at South Lambeth, near London, by John Tradescant,” by Tradescant, John a contributor to the study of natural history in this country in the seventeenth century
Publication: “The retired Man’s Meditations; or, the mystery and power of godliness shining forth in the living world,” by Vane, Sir Henry and one of the most turbulent enthusiasts which the rebellion produced
Publication: “Opuscula Sancto Patrieio, qui Hibernos ad fidein Christi convertit, adscripta, &c.” by Ware, James antiquary
Publication: “A commentary upon the first three chapters of Genesis,” by White, John divine
Died: Wingate, Edmund
Born: Wissing, William painter
Publication: “Five Sermons in five several stiles or ways of preaching,” by Wright, Abraham divine
Publication: “Parnassus biceps, or several choice pieces of poetry, composed by the best wits that were in both the universities before their dissolution,” by Wright, Abraham divine
Publication: “Theatrum Vitae humanse,” by Zuinger, Theodore physician (1534–?)
Died: Aagard, Nicholas brother of the above (1612–1657)
Publication: “Mortes illustres et gesta eorum de societate Jesu, qui in odium fidei ab hsreticis vel aliis occisi sunt,” by Alegambe, Philip Jesuit
Born: Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Died: Ambrosini, Bartholomew physician
Publication: “Relation fidele de tout ce qui s’est passe dans la conference publique avec M. Bedacier, eveque d'Aost,” by Ancillon, David divine
Publication: “An Historical Itinerary,” by Andrada, Alphonsus D' writer
Publication: “Collection of posthumous and orphan Lectures delivered at St. Paul’s and St. Giles’s,” by Andrews, Lancelot divine
Born: Arisi, Francis lawyer
Publication: “Philosophic affective” by Bail, Lewis divine
Publication: “Justice des armes du roi treschretien contre le roi d'Espagne,” by Balthasar, Christopher a man of great learning and merit
Publication: “Entretiens,” by Balzac, John Lewis Guez Dr writer
Publication: “EuclidisData,” by Barrow, Isaac divine
Publication: “A summary of Divine Wisdom,” by Bendlowes, Edward poet
Publication: “A glance at the glories of Sacred Friendship,” by Bendlowes, Edward poet
Publication: “A theological Concordance of the synonymous words in, Scripture,” by Bennet, Robert, B. D. divine
Born: Berger, John Henry De lawyer
Publication: “The judgment of the late archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland concerning first, the extent of Christ’s death and satisfaction secondly, of the Sabbath, and observation of the Lord’s day,” by Bernard, Nicholas divine
Born: Bernardi, John usually called major Bernardi
Born: Bibbiena, Ferdinand Galli architect
Died: Blake, Thomas divine
Publication: “Organum. Salutis,” by Blount, Sir Henry writer
Publication: “Cornelius Nepos,” by Bosius, John Andrew historian
Publication: “Dissertatio de Pontificatu Maximo Imperatorum præcipue Christianorum,” by Bosius, John Andrew historian
Born: Brandt, Gerard second son of Gerard
Publication: “A Golden Chain, or Miscellany of divers sentences of the sacred scriptures, and of other authors, &c.” by Bulstrode, Edward lawyer
Publication: “Reports of Cases in B. R. regn. Jac. 1. & Car. I.” by Bulstrode, Edward lawyer
Died: Burton, William antiquary
Publication: “Graecse Linguae Historia,” by Burton, William antiquary
Publication: “Mel Cceli, an exposition of Isaiah, chap. 53,” by Calvert, Thomas was born at York in 1606
Born: Carpenter, George Lord baron of Killaghy in the kingdom of Ireland
Publication: “Processus Juris Saxonici,” by Carpzovius, Benedict was born in 1595
Born: Chazelles, John Matthew De a French mathetician and engineer
Born: Clerc, John Le writer
Publication: “Perspicillum microcosmologicum, or, a prospective for the discovery of the lesser world, wherein man is a compendium, c.” by Cole, William botanist
Publication: “A treatise on oratorical action,” by Conrart, Valentin secretary of the French king’s council
Publication: “A Scholastical History of the Canon of the Holy Scripture; or, the certain and indubitable books thereof, as they are received in the Church of England,” by Cosin, John prelate
Born: Croft, William musician
Born: Dennis, John poet
Born: Derham, William divine
Publication: “Calendarium Romanum novum, et Astronomia Aquicinctina (Anchin),” by Despierres, John Benedictine
Publication: “Lux in Tenebris” by Drabicius, Nicholas a celebrated enthusiast
Died: Dryden, John poet
Born: Dupin, Lewis Ellies historian
Died: Faucheur, Michelle preacher
Born: Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier De the son of Frangois le Bovier de Fonienelle
Died: Freire De Andrada, Hyacinthe writer
Publication: “An Assize Sermon,” by Gilbert, William divine
Died: Gilpin, Richard divine
Born: Greenville, Denis and brother to sir John Greenville first eari of Bath
Died: Guild, William divine
Publication: “Compendium S. Theologian,” by Henichius, John a learned professor of divinity in the university of llinteln
Publication: “Theologia Veterum; the Sum of the Christian Theology contained in the creed, according to the Greeks and Latins, &c. Lond. 1654, fol. reprinted 1673. 4. Ecclesia Vindicata; or the Church of England justified, 1. In the way and manner of her Reformation, &c. 2. In officiating by a public Liturgy. 3. In prescribing a set form of Prayer to be used by preachers before their sermons. 4. In her right and patrimony of tithes. 5. In retaining the episcopal government, and therewithal the canonical ordination of priests and deacons,” by Heylin, Dr. Petek divine
Died: Higford, William writer
Publication: “Sectio jsecunda,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Publication: “The Marks of the absurd Geometry, rural Language, &c. of Dr. John Wallis,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Publication: “Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes, Sonnets,” by King, Henry bishop
Publication: “Reports in the court of Exchequer in the reign of king James,” by Lane, Sir Richard knt. lord chief baron of the exchequer
Publication: “Choice French Proverbs,” by Leigh, Edward writer
Publication: “Annotations on the five poetical books of the Old Testament, viz. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Canticles,” by Leigh, Edward writer
Publication: “Joel explicatus per paraplirasim Chaldaicam,” by Leusden, John scholar
Died: Licetus, Fortunius philosopher
Publication: “The Sovereign’s Prerogative and Subject’s Privileges discussed,” by Littleton, Dwaud lord keeper of the great seal of England in the reign of Charles I. was descended
Publication: “Logica Armeniaca in Latinam traducta,” by Loftus, Dudley scholar
Publication: “I am a tolerable author, but I should make a very bad secretary.” by Moliere, John Baptist, Pocquelin De writer
Publication: “The Preacher’s Tripartite,” by Mossom, Robert prelate
Born: Musgrave, Dr. William antiquary
Publication: “Help to Calculation; with tables of declination, ascension, &c.” by Newton, John divine (1622–1678)
Born: Norris, John divine
Born: Papin, Isaac some time a minister of the church of England
Publication: “Methodus gratioe divinse in traductione hominis peccatoris ad vitam,” by Parker, Robert divine
Publication: “A new World of English Words, or General Dictionary, &c.” by Phillips, Edward one of the nephews of Milton
Publication: “The Blasphemer slain with the sword of the Spirit, or a plea for the Godhead of the Holy Ghost, wherein the Deity of the Spirit is proved, against the cavils of John Biddle,” by Pool, Matthew a learned Nonconformist
Publication: “Manuductio ad Theologiam Polemicam,” by Prideaux, John bishop
Publication: “A Theatre to Political flying Insects,” by Purchas, Samuel divine
Died: Riolan, John was born at Paris in the year 1577
Publication: “Oppian,” by Rittershusius, Conradus a learned civilian and philologer of Germany
Publication: “Mysterium & Medulla Bibliorum, or the Mystery and Marrow of the Bible,” by Roberts, Francis divine
Died: Rubens, Peter Paul artist
Born: Ruinart, Thierry a French theologian
Publication: “Exercitationes Mathematics,” by Schooten, Francis professor of mathematics at Leyden about the middle of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Magia naturalis et artificialis,” by Schott, Gaspar Jesuit
Publication: “The Fountain opened,” by Sedgwick, Odadiah divine
Born: Shower, John divine
Died: Snydehs, Krancis painter
Born: Solimene, Francis called L‘Abate Ciccio
Publication: “Rationale of the Book of Common-prayer of the Church of England,” by Sparrow, Anthony prelate
Publication: “The Practical Register, or the Accomplished Attorney,” by Style, William writer
Publication: “A Sermon preached at Caermarthen Assizes,” by Thomas, William bishop
Born: Tindal, Dr. Matthew writer
Born: Torre, Philip Della antiquary
Born: Valentinus, Michael Bernard writer
Publication: “Celsus,” by Vander-Linden, John Antonides a learned professor of physic at Leyden
Publication: “Of the Love of God and Union with God,” by Vane, Sir Henry and one of the most turbulent enthusiasts which the rebellion produced
Died: Wadding, Luke an eminent Irish Roman catholic
Born: Wake, William prelate
Publication: “Biblia Polyglotta” by Walton, Brian bishop
Publication: “The sum of all was, that, for a most difficult and dangerous work, faith/ully and successfully performed bj Whitelocke, he had little thanks, and no recompense, from those who did employ him; but not long after was rewarded by them with an injury: they put him out of his office of commissioner of the great seal, because he would not betray the rights of the people, and, contrary to his own knowledge, and the knowledge of those who imposed it, execute an ordinance of the Protector and his council, as if it had been a law. But in a succeeding parliament, upon the motion of his noble friend the lord Bmghill, Whitelocke had his arrears of disbursement paid him, and some recompense of his faithful service allowed unto him.” by Whitelocke, Bulstrode by Elizabeth his wife
Publication: “Solutio quaestionis de legati delinquents judice competente,” by Zouch, Richard an eminent civilian (1590–?)
Born: Abbadie, James divine
Publication: “De Studiis bene instituejulis,” by Acontius, James divine
Died: Aelst, Evert painter
Publication: “Traite de conformites du disciple avec le maitre, c'est a dire, de S. Francois avec J. C. en tout le mysteres de sa naissance, vie, passion, mort, &c.” by Albizzi, Barthelemy also called Bartholomew of Pisa
Publication: “Heroes et victims charitatis societatis Jesu,” by Alegambe, Philip Jesuit
Died: Allibond, John of Magdalen college
Died: Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Born: Andry, Nicholas surnamed Bois-Regard
Publication: “Dissertatio de politia ecclesiastica,” by Apaczai, John a man of singular character and learning of the seventeenth century
Died: Arrowsmith, John divine
Publication: “The Way to Bliss, in three books, made public by Elias Ashmole, esq; qui est Mercuriophilus Anglicus,” by Ashmole, Elias philosopher
Publication: “Musae Neoburgicae in ortum J. G. J. Ignatii ducis Neoburgici,” by Balde, James poet
Publication: “Aristippe,” by Balzac, John Lewis Guez Dr writer
Publication: “Questiones Medicae duodecim,” by Barbeyrac, Charles physician
Publication: “Disputationes Philologicae de Theologia Gentili ex antiquis nummis eruta,” by Bebele, Balthazar divine
Publication: “Nota3 in numismata, turn Ephesia, turn aliarum urbium, Apibus insignita, cum eorum iconibus aeneis,” by Bellori, John Peter antiquary
Born: Bernard, James professor of philosophy and mathematics
Born: Bertini, Anthony Francis physician
Publication: “De Linguarum Orientalium, praesertim HeIpraicce, Chaldaica?, Syriacae, Arabicae, et Samaritans, praestantia et usu,” by Beveridge, William divine
Died: Biddle, John writer
Publication: “The Lamps of the Law, and the Lights of the Gospel,” by Blount, Thomas writer
Publication: “Simeonis Seth, tie alimentorum facultatibus,” by Bogden, Martin a favoured pupil of T
Publication: “Historia Nat. et Med. Indise orientalis,” by Bontius, James called by some
Publication: “Euclides restitutus,” by Borelli, John Alphonso mathematician
Publication: “Speculum eloquentia?,” by Boulai, Cæsar Egasse De historian
Born: Boulainvilliers, Henry De comte de St
Publication: “Catching of the Leviathan,” by Bramhall, John prelate
Publication: “Commercium. Epistoiicum,” by Brouncker, William viscount Brouncker
Died: Bulkley, Peter divine
Publication: “Spiritual Refinings; or a Treatise of Grace and Assurance,” by Burgess, Anthony clergyman
Publication: “A Commentary on Antoninus’s Itinerary, or Journey of the Roman Empire, so far as it concerneth Britain,” by Burton, William antiquary
Publication: “Remains, being an useful Appendix to the former,” by Capel, Richard son of Christopher Capel
Died: Capellus, Lewis divine
Publication: “Labyrinthus Cantuariensis,” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva
Publication: “La methode nouvelle de dresser les Chevaux,” by Cavendish, William baron Ogle
Died: Chantereau-Le-Febure, Louis antiquary
Died: Cleyn, Francis artist
Born: Coustou, Nicholas sculptor in ordinary to the French king
Died: Davila, Gilles Gonzales a Spanish ecclesiastic
Died: Despeisses, Anthony lawyer
Publication: “Opinion touching the antiquity, power, order, state, manner, persons, and proceedings, of the High Courts of Parliament in England,” by Doddridge, Sin John lawyer
Publication: “Analecta sacra; sive excursus philologici, &c.” by Doughty, John divine
Born: Duchat, Jacob Le a French editor
Died: Durham, James divine
Born: Elias, Matthew painter
Publication: “De morah'tate Sabbathi,” by Essenius, Andrew divine
Publication: “Defensio concilii Theologici Ultrajectini de Canonicatibus, Vicariatibns, &c.” by Essenius, Andrew divine
Publication: “The French Gardener, instructing how to cultivate all sorts of fruit-trees and herbs for the garden, together with directions to dry and conserve them in their natural,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Born: Falz, Raymond a celebrated medallist
Publication: “Faithful Shepherdess,” by Fanshawe, The Right Hon. Sir Richard, Knt. And Bart. statesman
Publication: “Threnodia triumphans, &c.” by Fisher, Payne Paganus Piscatok
Born: Fosse, Antony De La nephew of the former
Publication: “Trigonometria Britaonica, &c.” by Gellibrand, Henry professor of astronomy at Gresham-college
Born: Goltzius, Henry engraver
Born: Greene, Thomas prelate
Publication: “An Explication of the Song of Solomon,” by Guild, William divine
Died: Harvey, William physician
Publication: “Musica njoderna prattica, overo maniere del buon canto,” by Herbst, John Andreas musician (?–1660)
Publication: “Short View of the Life and Reign of King Charles (the second monarch of Great Britain) from his birth to his burial,” by Heylin, Dr. Petek divine
Publication: “Peter pursued; or Dr. Heylin overtaken, arrested, and arraigned upon his three Appendixes: 1. Respondet Petrus. 2. Answer to Post-Haste Reply. 3. Advertisements on three Histories. viz. of Mary Queen of Scots, King James, and King Charles,” by Heylin, Dr. Petek divine
Publication: “Dionisii orbis descriptio, annotationibus Eustathii, et Hen. Stepheni, nee non Gul. Hill eommentario critico et geographico, ac tabulis illustrata,” by Hill, William a learned annotator on Dionysius Periegetes
Born: Hoogstraten, David Van a professor of the belles lettres
Publication: “Conviction of the Jews,” by Hoornbeeck, John an illustrious professor of divinity in the universities of Utrecht and Leyden
Born: Jarry, Laurence Juillard Du poet
Publication: “Quacstiones pro more solenni in Vesperiis propositac ann. 1651,” by Langbaine, Gerahd writer
Publication: “Second considerations of the high court of Chancery,” by Leigh, Edward writer
Died: Lovelace, Richard poet
Died: Maistre, Antoine Le
Born: Marsigli, Lewis Ferdinand an Italian
Born: Masham, Lady Damahis a lady distinguished by her piety and extraordinary accomplishments
Publication: “Mensa Lubrica,” by Master historian
Publication: “Mela,” by Mela, Pomponius writer
Died: Metzu, Gabriel painter
Died: Micrelius, John professor of divinity at Stetin
Born: Mordaunt, Charles earl of Peterborough
Publication: “An exact Delineation of London,” by Newcourt, Richard author of that very valuable work the “Repertorium Londinense
Publication: “Trigonometria Britannica, in two books,” by Newton, John divine (1622–1678)
Publication: “Avicennae Canonis Liber primus et secundus ex Arabica Lingua in Latinam translatus,” by Plempius, Vopiscus Fortunatus physician
Born: Pomet, Peter born April 2
Publication: “A model for the maintaining of students of choice abilities at the university, and principally in order to the ministry. Together with a Preface before it, and after it a recommendation from the university; and two serious exhortations recommended unto all the unfeigned lovers of piety and learning, and more particularly to those rich men who desire to honour the Lord with their substance,” by Pool, Matthew a learned Nonconformist
Publication: “A History of their Churches,” by Przipcovius, Samuel knight
Born: Purcell, Henry musician
Publication: “The Cabinet-Council, containing the chief arts of Empire, and mysteries of State discabineted,” by Ralegh, Sir Walter or'Rawlegh
Publication: “History of Jansenism,” by Rapin, Renatus Jesuit
Died: Reves, James De divine
Publication: “Catalogus plantarum horti Upsaliensis,” by Rudbeck, Olaus one of the earliest cultivators of natural science in Sweden
Born: St. Pierre, Charles Irene'E Castel De writer
Publication: “Thesaurus Temporum” by Scaliger, Joseph Justus and heir to his talents and temper
Publication: “An exposition of Psalm xxiii.” by Sedgwick, Odadiah divine
Publication: “Animi medela, seu de bearitudine et miseria,” by Sterne, John physician
Publication: “Adriani Heerboordii disputation um de concwrsu examen,” by Sterne, John physician
Publication: “Labyrinthus Cantuariensis, or, Dr. Laud’s Labyrinth, by T. C.” by Stillingfleet, Edward one of the most learned prelates of the seventeenth century
Born: Sturt, John engraver
Publication: “Reports,” by Style, William writer
Born: Thoresby, Ralph antiquary
Born: Todd, Hugh divine
Publication: “The Judgment of the late Primate of Ireland, &c. as he is made a party by the said Lord Primate in the point of the Sabbath,” by Tyrrell, James historian
Publication: “De Ludicra Dictione,” by Vavassor, Francis, Jesuit
Publication: “The Savilian Professor’s Case stated:” by Wallis, John mathematician (1616–1703)
Publication: “Prerogative of popular government,” by Wren, Matthew was born Aug. 20 (?–1672)
Died: Albi, Henry a native of Bolene in the comtat Venaissin
Born: Amenta, Nicholas lawyer
Born: Ancillon, Charles son of the above
Publication: “The right government of the Thoughts,” by Angel, John clergyman
Publication: “Miscellaneum hyperbolicum et parabolicum,” by Angelis, Stephen De mathematician
Publication: “De exilio, sive de exilii poena antiqua et nova, exsulumque conditione et juribus, libri tres,” by Antonio, Nicholas a very learned and useful Spanish biographer
Died: Apaczai, John a man of singular character and learning of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Familiarum iilustrium Imperatorumque Romanorum Numismata Oxonire in Bodleianae Bibliotbecoe Archivis descripta et explanata.” by Ashmole, Elias philosopher
Born: Bahier, John poet
Publication: “The history of the English and Scotch Presbytery,” by Basier, Isaac divine
Born: Basnage, Henry de Beauval
Died: Bathurst, Ralph a distinguished wit
Publication: “History of Malta,” by Baudouin, John a member of the French academy
Born: Beausobre, Isaac divine
Born: Berchet, Peter artist (?–1720)
Died: Beys, Charles poet
Publication: “De ara ignoti Dei ad Act. 17,” by Bosius, John Andrew historian
Publication: “Defence and justification of ministers’ maintenance by tithes, &c.” by Bourne, Immanuel clergyman
Born: Boyse, Joseph, a protestant dissenting minister (1659–1728)
Died: Bulstrode, Edward lawyer
Publication: “An English Introduction to the Latin Tongue,” by Busby, Richard the most eminent schoolmaster in his time
Publication: “Apology” by Capel, Richard son of Christopher Capel
Publication: “Epicteti Enchiridion, Graere & Latine, cum notis Merici Casauboni & Cebetis Tabula, cum notis ejusdem,” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva
Born: Cassana, Niccolo called Nicoletto
Died: Castelli, Valerio was born
Born: Catrou, Francis writer
Publication: “Cyropredia,” by Charpentier, Francis dean
Born: Chasles, Gregory De who was born August 17
Publication: “Thomas Campanella’s advice to the king of Spain, for obtaining the universal monarchy of the world,” by Chilmead, Edward mathematician
Publication: “The Abuses of God’s Grace, discovered in the kinds, causes, &c. proposed as a seasonable check to the wanton libertinism of the present age,” by Clagett, Nicholas
Died: Colletet, William one of the members of the French academy
Publication: “A narrative of count Gondomar’s transactions during his embassy in England,” by Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce antiquary
Born: Couplet, Philip Jesuit
Born: Creech, Thomas poet
Died: Croius, John clergyman
Publication: “De coniirmatione et extrema unctione,” by Daille, John a minister of the church of Paris
Publication: “Catechism containing the chief heads of the Christian religion,” by Davenport, John elder brother of Christopher just mentioned
Publication: “A Panegyric on his excellency the lord general George Monk, commander in chief,” by Denham, Sir John poet
Died: Dingley, Robert second son of sir John Dingley
Born: Dunton, John bookseller
Publication: “Systema Theologicum,” by Essenius, Andrew divine
Publication: “An Apology for the Royal Party, written in a letter to a person of the late council of state; with a touch at the pretended plea of the army,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Publication: “The golden book of St. Oh ry sos torn, concerning the Education of Children.” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Publication: “An Apology for the Royal Party, c.” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Publication: “The late News or Message from Brussels unmasked,” by Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Publication: “Lusiad of Camoens,” by Fanshawe, The Right Hon. Sir Richard, Knt. And Bart. statesman
Publication: “The Interest of England stated or, a faithful and just account of the aims of all parties nowprevailing; distinctly treating of the designments of the Roman Catholic, Royalist, Presbyterian, Anabaptist,” by Fell, Dr. John divine
Publication: “Epistolarum pars prima,” by Fevre, Tannegui Le a very learned man
Publication: “The Quakers Reply manifested to be railing: or, a pursuance of those by the light of the Scriptures, who through their dark imaginations would evade the Truth,” by Fiennes, William lord Say and Sele
Born: Fotherby, Martin younger brother of the rev
Died: Fouquirres, James painter
Died: Gauden, John prelate
Publication: “A Petitionary Remonstrance presented to O. P. by John Gauden, D. D. a son, servant, and supplicant for the Church of England, in behalf of many thousands, his distressed brethren, ministers of the gospel, and other good scholars, who were deprived of all public employment,” by Gauden, John prelate
Publication: “The Art of Longevity, or a dietetical institution,” by Gayton, Edmund or
Born: Gendre, Louis Le historian
Publication: “De Lymphaxluctis nuper repertis,” by Glisson, Francis physician
Died: Hackspan, Theodore divine
Died: Hallier, Francis bishop
Publication: “Cum occasione” by Hallier, Francis bishop
Publication: “Shorter Catechism,” by Harmar, John scholar
Publication: “An Essay upon two of Virgil’s Eclogues, and two of his Æneids, towards the translation of the whole;” by Harrington, James writer
Publication: “Dissertatio de Pceniteutia lapsorum,” by Henichius, John a learned professor of divinity in the university of llinteln
Died: Higgs, Griffin descended from a considerable family in Gloucestershire
Died: Hill, Abraham a learned English gentleman
Born: Hody, Humphrey divine
Publication: “A Letter of Advice from the prime Statesmen- of Florence, how England may come to herself again,” by Ho Well, James writer
Publication: “A true and faithful Relation of what passed for many Years between Dr. John Dee and some Spirits,” by Kelley a famous English alchymist
Publication: “Prodromus Historiae Literariae,” by Lambecius, Peter writer
Born: Lauriere, Eusebius James De lawyer
Publication: “Orbis Miraculum; or the Temple of Solomon portrayed by Scripture light,” by Lee, Samuel divine
Publication: “England described,” by Leigh, Edward writer
Publication: “Reports of Cases in the courts at Westminster in the reigns of king James and king Charles, with two tables; to which is added a treatise of Wards and Liveries,” by Ley, Sir James lawyer
Born: Longepierre, Hilary Bernard De critic
Publication: “Abrégé de l‘Histoire d’Aquitaine, Guienne, et Gascogne, jusqu'à present,” by Louvet, Peter an able advocate in the seventeenth century
Born: Maillet, Benedict De a French theorist of some note
Born: Medina, Sir John painter
Died: Menasseh, Ben Israel rabbi
Publication: “Ad Viruni Janum Ulitium Epistolae dute de Invocatione Sanctorum;” by Morley, Dr. George bishop
Died: Morton, Thomas bishop
Publication: “Variae colloquendi Formulas, in usum condiscipulorum in palaestra literaria sub paterno moderamine vires Minervales exercentium, parthn collects, partim composite a Roberto Mossom,” by Mossom, Robert prelate
Born: Mountfort, William writer
Publication: “Shuffling, cutting, and dealing, in a game at Piquet,” by Nevile, Henry writer
Publication: “Geometrical Trigonometry,” by Newton, John divine (1622–1678)
Died: Nicolai, John a learned doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Epigrammaturn Delectus,” by Nicole, Peter divine
Publication: “Privadoes, or Extravagants.” by North, Dudley, Third Lord who appears to be the first of this family entitled to notice in a work of this description
Publication: “The Heart’s Ease, or a remedy against all troubles; with a consolatory discourse, particularly directed to those who have lost their friends and dear relations,” by Patrick, Simon prelate
Born: Petit-Didier, Matthew Benedictine
Publication: “A brief of Proceedings between sir Hierom Sankey and the author,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Villare Cantianum,” by Philpot, John Somerset herald in the reign of James I. was a native of Folkstone
Publication: “Munitio Fundamentorum Medicinae V. F. Plempii adversus Jacobum Primerosium,” by Plempius, Vopiscus Fortunatus physician
Died: Potenger, John an English gentleman of talents (1647–1733)
Publication: “Sacred Eloquence or, The Art of Rhetoric, as it is laid down in Scripture,” by Prideaux, John bishop
Publication: “Histoire des plus illustres Favoris anciens et modernes,” by Puy, Peter Du historian
Born: Ricci, Sebastian artist
Publication: “Metaphysica,” by Rodon, David a celebrated French professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Logica restituta,” by Rodon, David a celebrated French professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century
Publication: “Chorographia sacra Brabantia, sive celebrium aliquot in ea provincia ecclesiarum et ccenobiorum descriptio,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Born: Sherard, William botanist
Born: Smith, John divine
Born: Southern, Thomas writer
Publication: “The good old Cause,” by Stubbe, Henry writer
Born: Synge, Edward archbishop
Born: Talbot, Charles lord high chancellor of Great Britain
Publication: “Eusebii Pamphili historia ecclesiastica, ejusdemque libri de vita Constantini, & panegyricus atque oratio Constantini ad sanctos,” by Valesius, Henry critic
Born: Vitringa, Campegius divine
Publication: “Dissertatio de vera estate mundi, &c.” by Vossius, Isaac a man of great parts and learning
Publication: “Castigationes ad Scriptum Hornii de ætate Mundi,” by Vossius, Isaac a man of great parts and learning
Publication: “Adenographia, seu Descriptio totius Corporis,” by Wharton, Thomas physician
Publication: “Diatribse duae Medico-philosophicae de ft-rmentatione, altera de febribus,” by Willis, Thomas physician
Publication: “Anatomical Lectures” by Winston, Thomas physician
Publication: “Whole Duty of the Christian Religion,” by Winterton, Ralph scholar
Born: Wollaston, William writer
Publication: “Politicaster i or, a Comical Discourse in^answer to Mr. Wren’s book, entitled ‘ Monarchy asserted, &c.’” by Wren, Matthew was born Aug. 20 (?–1672)
Died: Zacchias, Paul physician