Bardin, Peter
, a member of the French academy, was born at Rouen in 1590, of poor parents. He received his education among the Jesuits, and employed his time chiefly in studying philosophy, mathematics, and poetry. His first work was a paraphrase on Ecdesiastes, to which he gave the name of “Pensces morales.” He afterwards | wrote the two first parts of his “Lycee,” in which he described his own character, as the portrait of an honest man. He was preparing the third part, when he was drowned, 1637, while endeavouring to save one of his pupils from that fate. His principal works, which are written rather in a diffuse style, are, 1. “Le grand Chambellan de France,” 1623, fol. 2. “Essai sur l’Ecclesiaste de Salomon,” a different work from his “Pensees morales.” “La Lycee, ou en plusieurs promenades il est traite des connoissances, des actions, et des plaisirs d’un Honnete Homrne,” 2 vols. 8vo. His eloge was pronounced in the academy by M. Godeau. 1