Baring, Daniel Eberhard
, was born in 1690 in Hildesheim, and obtained the place of sub-librarian of the royal library of Hanover. He was particularly eminent for historical and diplomatic researches, and was the first who collected materials to form a diplomatic library. His first publication was “Succincta Notitia Scriptorum rerum Brunsvicensium ac Luneburgensium, cum recensione legum atque constitutionurn terrarum Brunsvico-Luneburgica’rum,” Hanover, 1729, 8vo. But his chief work was his “Clavis diplomatica, specimina veterum scripturarum tradens, &c.” Hanover, 1737, 4to, of which was published a much enlarged and improved edition in 1754, 4to, with a life of the author, by his son Daniel. Baring died in 1753. 2