Bates, William
, an eminent nonconformist divine of the seventeenth century, was born in November 1625, and after a suitable school education, was sent to Cambridge, where he was admitted of Emanuel college, from which he removed to King’s, in 1644. He commenced bachelor of arts in 1647, and applying himself to the study of divinity, became a distinguished preacher among the Presbyterians. He was afterwards appointed vicar of St. Dunstan’s in the West, London; and joined with several other divines in preaching a morning exercise at Cripplegate church. At this exercise Dr. Tillotson preached, in September 1661, the first sermon which was ever printed by him. Upon the restoration of Charles II. Mr. Bates was made one of his majesty’s chaplains; and, in the November following, was admitted to the degree of doctor in divinity in the university of Cambridge, by royal mandate. The king’s letter to this purpose was dated on the 9th of that month. About the same time, he was offered the deanery of Lichfield and Coventry, which he refused; and it is said that he might afterwards have been raised to any bishopric in the kingdom, if he would have conformed to the established church. Dr. Bates was one of the commissioners at the Savoy conference in 1660, for reviewing the public liturgy, and was concerned in drawing | up the exceptions against the Common Prayer. He was, likewise, chosen on the part of the Presbyterian minfoters, together with Dr. Jacomb and Mr. Baxter, to manage the dispute with Dr. Pearson, afterwards bishop of Chester, Dr. Gunning, afterwards bishop of Ely, and Dr. Sparrow, afterwards bishop of Ely. In 1665, he took the oath required of the nonconformists by the act commonly called the Five Mile Act, and which had passed in the parliament held that year at Oxford, on account of the plague being in London.*
When the parliament sat at Oxford, during the plague in London, they passed an act to oblige the nonconformists to take an oath, “That it was not lawful, upon any pretence whatsoever, to take arms against the king; and that they abhorred the treacherous position of taking arms by his authority against his person, or against those that are commissioned by him, in pursuance of such commission; and that they would not at any time endeavour any alteration in the government of church and state.” Those who refused to take this oath were to be restrained from coming (except upon the road) wjthin five miles of any city or corporation, or any place which sent burgesses to parliament. The ministers finding the pressure of the act very great, studied how to take the oath lawfully. Dr. Bates consulted the lord keeper Bridgman, who promised to be present at the next sessions, and to declare from the bench, that by “endeavour to change the government in church, was meant only unlawful endeavour.” This satisfied Dr. Bates, who upon this took the oath with several others. He wrote a letter thereupon to Mr. Baxter; but the latter tells us, that all the argunients contained thereto seemed to him not sufficient to enervate the objections against taking the oath.
the imagination, and abounded in heroic sentiments of honour and virtue. Dr. Bates’s works, however esteemed about a century ago, are not among those which have been of late years revived among the dissenters by republication. Besides those included in the folio edition, he was the editor of a valuable collection of lives of eminent persons, princes, and men of rank, churchmen, and men of learning, amounting to thirty-two, all in Latin, under the title of “Vitse selectorum aliquot virorum qui doctrina, dignitate, aut pietate inclaruere,” Lond. 4to, 1681. Six of them are anonymous, and the rest are taken from very scarce tracts. The life of B. Gilpin by Carleton, written in English, was translated into Latin by Dr. Bates and another written in French, translated by another person, at his request. Dr. Bates’s name is not in the title page, but it is at the end of the dedication to the celebrated lord Russel, and the work is generally quoted by the title of “Batesii Vitse selects.” | It is now, although scarce, much less valued than such a collection deserves. 1
Biog. Brit. Life prefixed to his works. Palmer’s Nonconformists’ Me morial, vol. I.