Biel, Gabriel
, one of the ablest scholastic divines of his time, was born at Spire, and preached with great reputation at Mentz, until Eberhard, duke of Wittemberg, having founded the university of Tubingen, invited him thither in 1477, to fill the theological chair. Towards the end of his days he retired to a convent of regular canons, where he died very old, in 149.5. His principal writings were: I. “Collectorium super libros sententiarum G. Occami,” Tubingen, 1501, fol. 2. “Lectura super canonem Missae,” Rutlingen, 1488, fol.; and 3. “Sacri canonis Missae, &.c. expositio,” Tubingen, 1499, fol., and thrice reprinted. He is also said to have written “De monetarum potestate simul et utilitate,” Nuremberg, 1542, Cologn, 1574, and Lyons, 1605. 2
Dupin.—Moreri. Freheri Theatrum. —Saxii Onomast.